Difference Between Crystal and Rhinestone

Crystal vs Rhinestone

Crystal and rhinestone are stones very much used from jewelry to decoration. The good part is that Crystals and rhinestones are very much affordable. It can be quite expensive for a middle class family to buy precious stones like diamonds an sapphire and in such a situation, crystals and rhinestones give them almost the same fashionable choices as what one gets from spending thousands.

Rhinestones are also called as a poor woman’s crystal. This shows that rhinestones are cheaper than Crystals.

Crystals can be termed as pure substances that have molecules arranged in a regular geometric form. Crystals are solids that have ions, atoms and molecules arranged in a regular way, which extend in three dimensions. Rhinestones are generally made of crystals but some Rhinestones are made of glass or acrylic.

Rrhinestone has a foil or metal backing that reflects light and gives the stone more glitter. On the other hand, crystals do not have any foil or metal backing. Rhinestones comes in two different shapes ‘“ cabochon and faceted. On the other hand, the shape of a crystal depends on the molecular bond and the conditions in which that crystal was formed. For example, while sugar comes with an oblong shape and slanted at the ends, salt comes with a cubic shape.

Rhinestones come in four major colours: transparent to fake gemstone colours like emeralds, aurora borealis which reflects all colors, clear crystal to fake diamond colour and colours that combine two or more colors. On the other hand, the colour of a crystal mainly depends on the material’s absorption of light and the refraction.

Unlike Rhinestones, crystals give more sparkle and are more durable.

Rhinestones are known to have gotten its name as they were first gathered from the banks of Rhine river. Crystal is a word that has been derived from the Greek ‘krustallos’, which means “rock-crystal”.


1. Rhinestones are generally made of crystals but some Rhinestones are made of glass or acrylic. Crystals are solids that have ions, atoms and molecules which extend in three dimensions and are arranged in a regular way.

2. Rhinestones are cheaper than Crystals.

3. Rrhinestone has a foil or metal backing that reflects light and gives the stone more glitter. On the other hand, crystals do not have any foil or metal backing.

4. Unlike Rhinestones, crystals give more sparkle and are more durable.

5. Rhinestones comes in two different shapes ‘“ cabochon and faceted. On the other hand, the shape of a crystal depends on the molecular bond and the conditions in which that crystal was formed.