Difference Between Dip and Chew

Dip vs Chew

Tobacco is a product that is widely used around the world. That being said, its consumption also varies from one person to the next depending on their taste and style. One good example of the way people use tobacco-based products is by snuffing, dipping, and chewing them.

Snus is composed of finely ground tobacco (moist) and is sometimes confused with snuff (dry or pulverized tobacco) that is inhaled through the nose. Snus is placed on the upper lip and is consumed in that order.

Dipping, on the other hand, is a traditional form of American snuff (don’t get it confused with snuff which is inhaled) and is placed on the lower lip and gums that tend to cause extra saliva when dipping. The nicotine is absorbed through the mouth, and the juices that are formed when dipping are sometimes swallowed or spat depending on one’s preference.

Chewing tobacco is one of the oldest ways to consume tobacco, and the variety of these products is the leaf, pellets/bits, and plugs (leaf tobacco that has a sweetener). They are placed between the gums, teeth, or cheeks and, just as the name implies, chewed for consumption. Chewing tobacco is said to help you experience the taste of its natural flavor. Chewing and dipping-based products are also called “smokeless tobacco products.”

Since both products are consumed orally, people are sometimes confused about the difference between the two. Dips are just placed in your mouth and allow the saliva to naturally play its role in extracting the juices from it. Chewing tobacco requires you to “chew” it in order to release the taste of the product. Chewing and dipping tobaccos are also considered as a safe alternative when compared to smoking tobacco. Some studies show that those who dip or chew tobacco have less chance of developing cancer when compared to those that smoke it. Dippers and chewers of tobacco attest that the taste and effects of the products are longer lasting than smoking tobacco.

Nicotine acts as a stimulant, and it enters the body through inhalation (smoking) or by oral consumption (chewing, dipping). It can play a factor in affecting a person’s mood, behavior, and mental alertness. Experts say that nicotine does not play a role in getting cancer (as most people believe). It actually has some health benefits, and the only negative thing about it is that it can cause an “addiction.” In fact, there are some athletes (players from all around the world) who prefer to use smokeless tobacco than smoking cigarettes.

There are some tobacco brands that have sweeteners and artificial flavors which help enhance the chewing experience. Tobacco is loaded with nicotine, and this is what makes smoking it so addicting. If you are doing your best to stop your addiction from smoking, then try chewing and dipping (smokeless tobacco-based products) might just be the thing for you. Not only will it satisfy your cravings, it might also help you get over your smoking habits.


1.Dipping is ground tobacco that is placed on the lower lip and gums and is sometimes spat or swallowed. Chewing is consuming a leaf or bits of tobacco that are placed between the gums, teeth or cheeks.
2.Dipping allows the saliva to naturally extract the juices from the product. Chewing-based products require you to chew it in order to release its natural flavor.
3.Both products are consumed orally.
4.Both products are deemed safer to use when compared to smoking tobacco.