Difference Between Diploma and Associate Degree

Diploma vs Associate Degree

A Diploma is one type of certification, and an Associate degree is another type. Diploma and Associates degree, as the name specifies, are different in many aspects. There is no confusion between the two, as the difference is very specific.

A Diploma can be said to be a document awarded to a student after completion of a course. On the other hand, an Associate degree is a title conferred on a student when he completes a college study. Diploma is usually given in vocational or professional courses, like designing, pharmacy and engineering.

High schools, trade colleges and professional schools confer Diploma certificates. On the other hand, community colleges and universities award the Associates degree.

With an Associates degree, a student has to study many things outside his major, like basic English, history, humanities and mathematics. On the other hand, a Diploma focuses mainly on the specific skills of a student. This means that a student who pursues an Associate degree has to study more broadly when compared to a student who takes a Diploma course, where it is mainly subject centric.

A student may take one or two years to get a Diploma. On the contrary, an Associate degree is strictly two years.

Unlike the Diplomas, one can transfer the Associate degree credits to a Bachelor’s degree. An Associate degree can be said to be a stepping-stone to a higher education.

It can also be seen that an Associate degree is more valued than a Diploma. In the job scene, a candidate with an Associate degree has more chances, and will earn more than a candidate with a Diploma. For example, a nurse with a Diploma will be paid less than a nurse who has an Associate degree.


1. A Diploma can be said to be a document awarded to a student after completion of a course. On the other hand, an Associate degree is a title conferred on a student when he completes a college study.

2. A student who pursues an Associate degree has to study more broadly when compared to a student who takes a Diploma course, where it is subject centric.

3. A Diploma is usually given in vocational or professional courses, like designing, pharmacy and engineering.

4. An Associate degree is more valued than a Diploma. An Associate degree can be said to be a stepping-stone to a higher education.

5. A candidate with an Associate degree has more chances, and will earn more than a candidate with a Diploma.