Difference Between Diploma and Bachelor

Diploma vs Bachelor

Diploma and Bachelor degrees represent two different levels of education. When comparing the two, a Bachelor’s degree represents a higher level of education.

While a diploma is a document given to one after the completion of a course, a Bachelor’s degree is a title awarded to a student after he or she completes a college study.

A diploma is usually awarded for vocational and professional courses, like pharmacy, designing, journalism, art and engineering. A Bachelor’s degree is awarded for many fields, like the Arts, science, humanities, medicine and engineering.

Professional and vocational schools, high schools, trade schools and community colleges confer diploma certificates. Unlike diploma certificates, universities and colleges award the Bachelor’s degree.

When comparing the duration of the courses, one can come across a difference between the diploma and Bachelor’s degree. A diploma course is shorter when compared to Bachelor’s degree. While the diploma courses take one or two years, the Bachelor’s degree is a four-year course. Well, a diploma is also conferred for students who complete 12 years of elementary education in schools.

A diploma focuses on the specific skills of a student. A diploma is mainly subject centric. A Bachelor’s degree covers a broader area, and includes subjects like science, mathematics, humanities and history.

For pursuing a Bachelor’s degree, a student must have a high school diploma or something equivalent to it. So a high school diploma is a stepping-stone to a Bachelor’s degree.

Once you have a Bachelor’s degree, you can pursue a Master’s degree. On the other hand, a student cannot apply for a Master’s degree with only a diploma in hand.

In the job scene, a Bachelor’s degree is more valued than a diploma certificate. Moreover, a candidate with a Bachelor’s degree has chances of earning more than a candidate with a diploma.


1. A diploma is a document given to one after the completion of a course; a Bachelor’s degree is a title awarded to a student after he or she completes a college study.
2. Unlike a Bachelor’s degree, a diploma is usually awarded for vocational and professional courses, like pharmacy, designing, journalism, art and engineering.
3. A diploma course is shorter when compared to a bachelor’s degree.
4. A diploma is mainly subject-centric. A Bachelor’s degree covers a broader area, and includes subjects like science, mathematics, humanities and history.
5. A Bachelor’s degree is more valued than a diploma certificate.
6. A candidate with a Bachelor’s degree has chances of earning more than a candidate with a diploma.