Difference Between Direct Auto Insurance and Geico (With Table)

Owning and driving a car makes traveling easier and convenient. It also saves money and helps one manage their time. However, owning and driving a car can be risky as well. Any slightest mistake on the road can harm anyone, their car, or the property of a third party. Hence, automobile insurance saves us from any kind of damage that comes while driving a vehicle. In many states and countries, it is compulsory to have insurance when you own a vehicle. Direct Auto Insurance and Geico are types of insurance one can get for their vehicle.

Direct Auto Insurance vs Geico

The main difference between Direct Auto Insurance and Geico is that Direct Auto Insurance is provided easily to a non-experienced or even a high-risk bad driver; however, Geico has certain criteria that need to be fulfilled in order to be able to get the insurance. Hence, anyone who has a bad record at driving can easily get Direct Auto Insurance.

Direct Auto Insurance is a subdivision of the direct general category. This insurance has many discounts, client facilities, coverage types, and different payment methods like any other automobile insurance one can find in the market. However, the fact that it provides insurance to high-risk drivers and people with bad past driving experience makes it stand out from other automobile insurances.

Geico is yet another popular automobile insurance type. It is mainly famous and renowned for its online services, which can easily attract youngsters or anyone who is not interested in a face-to-face conversation-making insurer. One can easily get insurance sitting in their own comfort place with the help of Geico. It has many other facilities that can convince you easily.

Comparison Table Between Direct Auto Insurance and Geico

Parameters of Comparison

Direct Auto Insurance


Experience Requirement

It provides insurance to drivers with bad past experiences.

It requires at least average driving skills.

Based On

It is mainly based both physically and remotely.

It is mainly based on online platforms.


It is less affordable than Geico.

It is more affordable than Direct Auto Insurance.


It has comparatively fewer coverage options.

It has many coverage options.

Rideshare Policy

It does not have a rideshare policy.

It has a rideshare policy.

What is Direct Auto Insurance?

Direct Auto insurance has been in the market for a long time. However, with developing technologies and changing times, many of its policies, payment methods have changed over time. Direct Auto Insurance is available in all major states of The US; they include Texas, Ohio, Virginia, Mississippi, Georgia, etc.

It has several coverage types one can easily decide and choose from. One can make online payments, view identity cards, and get to know about new updates and changes through its online website, which claims to be active for twenty-four hours straight. It has an easy procedure for filing claims, and these can be done online as well.

It is quite well established and has financial stability, which is a very important factor while choosing an insurance company. It has several coverages one can get, such as injury coverage of the insurance owner, which covers all the medical expenses during accidents.

Death benefit comes under the death coverage policy is another very important coverage provided by it. Liability coverage helps you deal financially to repair any property damaged during your car accident; this property may be yours or of the third-party with whom the accident takes place.

The company also provides insurance to people who have been having a hard time in finding automobile insurance due to their bad past experience in driving, which makes them come under the high-risk category. It provides discounts to military people, elderly people, intellectual students, people with good driving experience, etc. Overall it has discounts according to your past driving skills and credit points (may or may not be considered)

What is Geico?

Geico is a very promising and incredible company providing automobile insurance. It has great insurance policies, which are very convincing. It is really in hype among youngsters as it is basically an online experience. One does not need to go anywhere for the insurance as it is available through the screens of your laptops and phones.

It is great at saving money. They have great financial stability overall. One can find almost all the important coverage one needs when dealing with an automobile. It is literally perfect for a youngster having less budget and time for automobile insurance. 

It comes among the top three insurance-providing companies in the US. They have a long list of discounts which come with plus features of the vehicle and good skills of the driver (owner). For example, it provides a discount if your vehicle has an anti-theft device, airbags, rear-view cameras, automatic seat belts, and many more.

According to several online and offline types of research, it can be proved that Geico is one of the most affordable insurance companies one can find in the market. It has excellent customer service, security and overall lead to a great customer experience. If you want an overall online claimed insurance Geico can be your ideal insurance company.

Main Differences Between Direct Auto Insurance and Geico

  1. Direct Auto insurance is ideally known to provide insurance to people with bad past experience in driving, whereas Geico has its own set of criteria that needs to be fulfilled.
  2. Direct Auto insurance provides both physical and online experience, whereas Geico is mostly online based company.
  3. Geico tends to be more affordable than Direct Auto Insurance.
  4. Geico has more coverage options than Direct Auto Insurance.
  5. Geico provides a rideshare policy, whereas Direct Auto Insurance does not.


Overall, both Direct Auto Insurance and Geico have great policies and coverage when it comes to automobile insurances. However, which one among these could be ideal for a particular customer can only be decided after going through a customer’s need. Geico is more of a digitalized and affordable company, whereas Direct Auto Insurance is an old, financially established company. There is no harm in choosing anyone among these as both have given good customer service. 


  1. https://trid.trb.org/view/309150
  2. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.4278/ajhp.130218-quan-72