Difference Between Dispose and Finalize (With Table)

Similar to any other language in the world, a programming language also consists of certain commands and methods that help the programmer to achieve his desired result. Dispose and finalize are two such commands that are used in computer programming languages to achieve different sets of results, and it is very crucial to mark a difference between these two as many people tend to use these terms in the place of one another. 

Dispose vs Finalize 

The main difference between Dispose and Finalize is that while both of these help the programmer to clear the memory database, the former is more of a given command, and it only comes into operation when the programmer wants it to. But on the other hand, the latter is a kind of automatic command and comes into play wherever it is needed. Apart from this very key difference, other significant differences between these two commands can be listed easily. 

When the Dispose command is given by the user to the computer, it simply means that the user wants some part of the used memory cleaned. To do so, the memory is freed off those things that are no longer of any use for the user, and eventually, a new space is generated within the same memory. This particular command can only be given in a particular user interface. 

While on the other hand, Finalize is a command of the programming language but of a whole different kind. It comes into play when the previous one is not used by the programmer. This happens to be the final step, and only the garbage collector can use it. In most cases, this command is used by the person when there remains no access to the object anymore, and the only option remains to destroy it. 

Comparison Table Between Dispose and Finalize 

Parameters of Comparison 




It denotes a command by which certain resources of a program are freed so that more space could be created 

it denotes a command by which certain resources of a program are cleared or destroyed so that a new space could be created. 


It is used to save up some space for further work 

it is used to clear up the space before the actual resource gets destroyed forever 

Access available 

access to this command is available to the whole public. 

the access of this command happens to be available to limited people only 

Belongs to 

IDisposable interface 

Object class 

Who can invoke it? 

The programmer can easily invoke this particular command to get the desired results 

only the garbage collector can invoke this particular command and no one else. 


The speed of this command happens to be fast 

the speed of this command happens to be relatively slow 

Impact on Performance  

once the command is activated, it does not impact the performance of the program at all 

once the command is activated, it slows down the performance of the program eventually 

What is Dispose? 

While working upon a program, there is a probability that a need might arise for the programmer to free up some space in the program so that he could continue working further. For this cause, insert in programming languages a particular command is given to the program that is known as Dispose.  

As the term Dispose of itself suggests, it refers to a situation where the programmer disposes of certain things contained in the program so that certain space can be freed. This space is cleared up because the programmer needs to work more and generate other useful resources within the program.  

A very crucial point regarding this particular command is that only the programmer of the program can give it; however, its access happens to be available to the public. This command is widely popular among programmers because it neither harms the performance of the program nor slows it down. 

A notable point about this command is that it is not a final command in the world of programming. Rather it is an act between a complete series of acts done to accomplish certain desired results. 

What is Finalize? 

The term Finalize suggests something that has reached its possible end. Similarly, in the context of programming, this term is used to denote a particular command that is given to the software when the person wants the entire software destroyed. Before the exact destruction, this command clears up the space that was being taken by certain resources contained in that software. 

The major objective behind this particular command is to clear up everything that has not been managed by the software yet because eventually, when the software gets destroyed, all the managed resources are eventually cleared up. 

One point to be kept in mind about this particular command is that experts regard it as extremely necessary when this command is used. In other words, as long as the situation remains in control and there is no dire need for extreme actions, this particular command should not be invoked because it eventually destroys the whole resource.  

Main Differences Between Dispose and Finalize 

  1. Dispose, in terms of programming, refers to a command used for freeing certain resources, but on the other hand, finalize is more like a final command that is given before a resource gets destroyed.  
  2. Access of dispose happens to be available to the public while the access of Finalize happens to be available to certain limited people only. 
  3. Dispose is invoked by the programmer of the program, while finalize is involved by the garbage collector only. 
  4. In terms of speed, the command of dispose happens to be relatively fast than the command of finalize. 
  5. Once a command of dispose is given to the program, no impact upon the performance of the program is created. But on the other hand, the command of finalize slows down the performance of the program eventually. 


The significance of technology and computers in today’s era is almost nondebatable, and one cannot deny how these things have revolutionized the world that we see today. But when we talk about technology and computers, a very significant factor needs to be addressed, that is the programming language of that particular computer. 

But even in today’s era, it is crucial to understand that the space of a program should only be used for resources that are actually being used by the programmer, and in this case, there are two commands that come into action. Dispose and finalize are two such actions that are taken by the program coordinators so that certain spaces could be created for further programming. But apart from this fact, there is a huge gap between these two commands, and they are entirely different from one another. 


  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/002223649290069J
  2. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-60808-8_12