The main function of a polymerase which is an enzyme is somehow similar to nucleic acid polymers like that of DNA and RNA. Polymer is a compound with repeating small molecules where it is a natural or synthetic compound that consists of large molecules made of many chemically bonded smaller identical molecules such as starch and nylon. In this section, we will disclose the differences between DNA polymerase and RNA polymerase.

DNA strands are well formed when the deoxyribonucleotides undergo polymerization with the help of DNA polymerases which are thought to be enzymes that hasten the polymerization process. It is clear that DNA polymerase plays a vital role in the replication of DNA wherein they serve as agents that detect undamaged DNA strands as prototypes which later on they may utilize to be able to create new strands. After that, a new fragment of DNA will be copied through this process. This molecule that was recently polymerized is the actual counterpart of the strand of the template which has exactly the same identity to that partner strand of the original template. On the other hand, RNA polymerase is known to be a complex enzyme involved in the production of RNA from DNA via the process of transcription. RNA polymerases are also in charge for supplying ribonucleotides to the growing transcripts of RNA in the end portion. This is carried out by way of catalyzing the development of these phosphodiester bonds which act as connectors of the ribonucleotides to hold them together. In contrast with the DNA polymerase, RNA polymerases do not necessarily require the so called primer to start the process and they actually have no proofreading systems. However, between these two types of enzymes there is a great difference: DNA polymerases are not capable of initiating a new strand while RNA polymerases have the capacity. There is no known DNA polymerase that is able to initiate a new chain. Consequently, in the course of replicating DNA, there is oligonucleotide (known as primer) that must be synthesized first by an enzyme that is different.

Going further, DNA polymerases are capable of adding up nucleotides that are free only to the end portion of the strand that was newly formed. This may actually lengthen the strand in a manner following 5′-3′. A nucleotide can be added to DNA polymerase only on a pre-existing 3’-OH group which requires a primer so that it may add to the nucleotide. The so called primers do contain DNA and RNA base. DNA has the base thymine while RNA has uracil as its base. DNA is double stranded whereas RNA is a single stranded. DNA contains the pentose sugar deoxyribose while RNA contains the pentose sugar ribose. DNA polymerase will be continuous till the work is finally done wherein RNA polymerases will continue but eventually may break in the event it will reach a “stop” cycle. Subunits contained in RNA polymerases must unwind the templates of DNA and the DNA polymerases do actually abide the helicase that the double helix may be open just in front of it. Lastly, it is said that RNA polymerase is a lot slower compared to DNA polymerase. 50 nucleotides in one second for RNA polymerase while 800 nucleotides for DNA polymerase in one second.


1.DNA polymerase synthesizes DNA while RNA polymerase synthesizes RNA.

2.In contrast with the DNA polymerase, RNA polymerases do not necessarily require the so called primer to start the process and they actually have no proofreading systems.

2.RNA polymerases are capable of initiating a new strand but DNA polymerases cannot.

3.DNA has the base thymine while RNA has uracil as its base.

4.DNA is double stranded whereas RNA is a single stranded.

5.DNA contains the pentose sugar deoxyribose while RNA contains the pentose sugar ribose.

6.DNA polymerase will be continuous till the work is finally done wherein RNA polymerases will continue but eventually may break in the event it will reach a “stop” cycle.

7.Subunits contained in RNA polymerases must unwind the templates of DNA and the DNA polymerases do actually abide the helicase that the double helix may be open just in front of it.

8.Lastly, DNA polymerase is a lot faster compared to RNA polymerase.