Difference Between Doe and Buck

White Tail Doe

Doe vs Buck

A buck is male deer, and a doe is a female deer. It is from the antlers that one can differentiate between a buck and a doe at first sight. Bucks have antlers whereas does have no antlers.

One of the main differences that can be traced between the doe and a buck is in their tracks. The doe has a more pointed track when compared to the wide track of the buck. Moreover, the buck has a swaggering gait that the doe does not have. It is also seen that the buck has a tendency to drag its feet across the ground whereas the doe picks up its feet when moving so it leaves behind a more ordered track.

In laying beds also, the bucks and does have differences. If it is a lone bed, then it could be a buck’s bed. And if there are a large number of beds, then it could be a doe’s.

When going out in search of food, the buck usually walks in front and even stands for a moment to scan the area before grazing. The doe deer and the young bucks just walk behind.

A buck deer has a shorter snout and also a shorter neck than that of the doe deer. An adult doe deer has a rounded head in-between the ears, the young bucks have more of a flat-shaped head between the ears.

Another way to distinguish between the two is that the bucks urinate while walking whereas doe deer just squat only. So if there is a long trail of urine on the ground, it can be assumed that a buck deer has passed the place.


1.A buck is a male deer, and a doe is female deer. Bucks have antlers whereas does have no antlers.
2.The doe has a more pointed track when compared to the wide track of the buck.
3.The buck has a tendency to drag its feet across the ground whereas the doe picks up its feet when moving so it leaves behind a more ordered track.
4.If it is a lone bed, then it could be a buck’s bed. And if there are a large number of beds, then it could be a doe’s.
5.Another way to distinguish between the two is that the bucks urinate while walking whereas doe deer just squat only.
6.When going out in search of food, the buck usually walks in front and even stands for a moment to scan the area before grazing. The doe deer and the young bucks just walk behind.