Difference Between Dwarf and Midget

Dwarf vs Midget

Dwarf and midget are sometimes used synonymously. That is because these two terms refer to people that are vertically challenged. However, the terms dwarf and midget are not similar. They are totally different from each other. Here are some major differences between a dwarf and a midget.

First of all, you have to be careful when using these terms when referring to vertically challenged individuals. Midget is considered not politically correct and has derogatory connotation. Among the community of vertically challenged individuals, the term dwarf is not offensive.

In terms of physical characteristics, the term dwarf refers to very short individuals with disproportionate body. A dwarf could have a normal sized head but with very short arms and small hands. In contrast, a midget is an individual with very short stature but has proportional body. Because of these distinguishing characteristics, there is no associated problem with the growth of a midget while the growth of a dwarf can cause disability.

A dwarf person has a medical condition called dwarfism. This is caused by a genetic disorder. Meanwhile, a midget usually inherits the condition from his or her parents. It can also be caused by malnutrition.

Because dwarfism is a specific medical condition, a dwarf can suffer from lots of physical and health problems. It should be noted that a midget is a person in perfect health. A dwarf can suffer from malformed bones and joints, nerve compression, and possible disorientation of the organs. These conditions will not happen to midget people.

A dwarf can correct the condition through surgery. A procedure called limb lengthening surgery is usually performed. A midget can add more inches to his or her height by taking hormonal supplements and proper nutrition.

These are the characteristics that distinguish a dwarf from a midget. Do take note that the socially acceptable term for vertically challenged individuals is dwarf and not midget.