Difference Between Eastern Religions and Western Religions

Eastern Religions vs. Western Religions

In studying world religions, there will inevitably be a difference in the types of religions that are in different areas. Typically, the world is divided into two areas when speaking of religions; those that are Eastern and those that are Western. There are few similarities between speaking of Western and Eastern religions other than there are some people who live in the western world and have Eastern religions, and there are those who live in the East and believe in Western religions. Both the Eastern and Western world religions were greatly impacted throughout history, and there were many wars fought over religious influences across the world.

Eastern religions are typically described by those religions that are practiced in areas like China, India, Southeast Asia, and Japan. Eastern religions are also typically polytheistic, whereas typically Western religions are monotheistic in that only one God is worshipped. Western religions are those religions that are practiced in most other countries outside of the East. Just a few of the Eastern religions that are followed in India are Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Jainism.
Buddhism is based on dharma where the goal is to liberate oneself from the suffering of the Earth. It was initiated in the 5th century BCE by the famous Siddhartha Gautama. Hinduism is based around the beliefs of dharma, samsara, karma, and moksha. It is one of the oldest religions in the world and bases its teachings around the Bhagavad Gita. Sikism is the belief of preaching to enlightenment based on honesty, giving, and chanting for God. Jainism is based around the need to be pure, free of violence in all aspects of life.

East Asians also have many religions, such as; Shinto, Taoism, Confucianism, and another form of Buddhism. Taoism focuses on love, moderation, and humility in everyone who seeks to achieve enlightenment. Shinto focuses on divination, spirit possession, and the healing power of faith. Confucianism is based on merit, nobility, and rituals. Typically, Eastern religions are polytheistic, meaning that there is more than one God that is worshipped by the people.
Some of the religions that are practiced in the Western world include Christianity, Catholicism, Puritanism, Protestantism, Judaism, and Evangelicalism. The locations these religions are practiced depends upon their historical impact by followers of particular religions. Western religions are not driven so much by certain principles and ideals, rather everyday good and bad behavior to reach Heaven.
There are many differences in Eastern and Western religions that are fitting to different people across the world. The commonality is that there is faith of some form in the belief that there is religion among people.

1.Eastern and Western religions are different not only in that they are practiced in different areas of the world, but there are different religions in both areas.
2.Eastern religions are practiced in India, Southeast Asia, Japan, and China. Western religions are found in the 3.Americas and throughout Europe. It is common to find people from eastern or western countries that practice religions from across the world.
4.Eastern religions include: Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Confucianism. Western religions include Christianity, Catholicism, Protestantism, Puritanism, Judaism, and Evangelicalism. Eastern religions are polytheistic and Western religions are monotheistic.