Difference Between Ecocline and Ecotone

The key difference between ecocline and ecotone is that ecocline is based on the variation of physicochemical factors across ecosystems, while ecotone is based on the variation between species existing in different ecosystems.

The distribution of species in different ecosystems varies with different parameters. However, genetics play an important role in this process. Species begin to adapt to varying conditions that distinguish species across environments. Ecocline and ecotone are two transition zones in an ecosystem. Ecocline is described as a physical transition zone. It is a variation of the physicochemical environment of one or two physicochemical factors. Ecotone is basically described as a transition zone between two biomes. It is where two communities actually meet and integrate.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is Ecocline 
3. What is Ecotone
4. Similarities Between Ecocline and Ecotone
5. Side by Side Comparison – Ecocline vs Ecotone in Tabular Form
6. Summary

What is Ecocline?

Ecocline is a terminology used in ecology. This concept is defined as the physiochemical gradient of a characteristic or a trait of a species across a specific geographical range. It deals with traits such as pH variation, salinity variation, water density variation and chemical variation. These variations cause a continuous gradual drift in character. The concept of ecocline is heavily dependent on selection and gene flow. The ability to survive is determined by the adaptations species show to subtle environmental changes. This pattern of adaption is of great importance. Furthermore, they play an important role in adjusting to various physiochemical drifts that take place.

Ecoclines begin their differentiation at two stages: primary and secondary. During primary differentiation, the species selection is based on the physiochemical characteristics based on the environmental gradients. These characteristics may vary based on humidity, rainfall or temperature. In secondary differentiation, the species that are already differentiated are put into zones based on their similar characteristics. One of the best examples for ecocline is the blood type frequency distribution. The B blood group is more frequently found among the Asian population while less frequently in the West. This is a separation based on the distance, which causes a genetic shift.

What is Ecotone?

Ecotone is defined as a transition zone between two biomes. This is yet another stable system where organisms can survive. Therefore, an ecotone will consist of species possessing characteristics common to borderline ecosystems. The two borderline ecosystems of an ecotone are generally homogenous.

Figure 01: Ecotone

There are different features of an ecotone. Primarily, it can have sharp vegetation transition based on the colour, the type or physical appearance of vegetation growing in the zone. Furthermore, an ecotone can be called a different ecosystem. An estuary, which is a zone lying between the sea and the river, is a good example of an ecotone. Ecotones will consist of self-sustaining species. Therefore, adaptations to the specific environmental characteristics are very important.

What are the Similarities Between Ecocline and Ecotone?

  • Both are considered concepts of ecosystems differentiation.
  • In both concepts, the involvement of species is subjected to genetic shifts.
  • Adaptations play an important role in species differentiation in both zones.
  • These concepts are related to ecology.
  • Both analyze the behaviour of species in varied ecological conditions.

What is the Difference Between Ecocline and Ecotone?

Ecocline and ecotone are primarily based on ecosystem differentiation. Ecocline shows a gradient differentiation based on physiochemical characteristics, while ecotone is a sharp transition causing a zone borderline to two distinct ecosystems. So, this is the key difference between ecocline and ecotone. Furthermore, another difference between ecocline and ecotone is that the ecocline is more deviated towards the physiochemical aspect. But, in contrast, an ecotone is more deviated towards species differentiation.

Below is a summary of the difference between ecocline and ecotone in tabular form.

Summary – Ecocline vs Ecotone

The concept of ecocline and ecotone plays an important role in defining the ecosystem variation in a geographic area. Both concepts are dependent on the genetic shift, and it is very important for the species to show adaptations. An ecocline refers to the gradient change of physicochemical characteristics between two ecosystems, while an ecotone is a designated new zone created in combination between two homogenous ecosystems. Thus, this is the key difference between ecocline and ecotone. It is important to study these concepts in ecology as this leads to species differentiation and diversity in different geographic locations.