Difference Between Economic Growth and Cultural Growth

Economic Growth vs Cultural Growth

Both economic growth and cultural growth are needed for the growth of a country. Some say that the country’s growth is only determined by its economic growth. However, this is not so as cultural growth also adds to it. Both cultural growth and economic growth are in the same direction.

When economic growth is related to money matters, cultural growth pertains to tradition, culture and people. But a country’s potential is known internationally in terms of its economic growth and not because of its cultural growth. It is the stability of the economic growth that helps in attracting investments. Some countries are also known worldwide for their culture.

The economic growth of a country is usually determined in terms of its Gross Domestic Product or GDP. If there is an increase in the GDP, then it can be said that the country has substantial economic growth. The economic development pertains to the increase in productivity which can include services, goods, labor, capital, and materials. Every country looks forward to economic growth as it is a sign of a country’s progress in all fields.

Cultural growth pertains more to nationality and tradition. It is the cultural aspects of the people that differentiates people from one country to the other. It is the culture that shows that a person is from a particular country. A country can draw more tourists if they have substantial cultural growth. If a country is abundant with culture, there is a tendency that people from other countries will flock to that country for understanding and learning about the new culture and traditions.

In all sense, a country’s growth and prosperity is determined by both its cultural as well as economic growth.


1.Both economic growth and cultural growth are needed for the growth of a country.
2.When economic growth is related to money matters, cultural growth pertains to tradition, culture, and people.
3.The economic growth of a country is usually determined in terms of its Gross Domestic Product or GDP. If there is an increase in the GDP, then it can be said that the country has substantial economic growth.
4.Cultural growth pertains more to nationality and tradition. It is the cultural aspects of the people that differentiates people from one country to the other.
5.If a country is abundant with culture, there is a tendency that people from other countries will flock to that country for understanding and learning about the new culture and traditions.
6.Every country will look forward to its economic growth as it is a sign of a country’s progress in all fields.