Difference Between Editorial and Glamour Photos

Editorial and glamour photos are just two kinds of media in which a person can express either his insights or artistic expression. They may differ in the way they are presented but nevertheless they both convey the thoughts and desire of the author. Both are used extensively to convey ideas and aspirations.


Editorial is an article that conveys the opinion and principles of the writer. It is presented in a manner that lay down the arguments of the issue being tackled and be written in such a manner as to convince the readers to accept the message being conveyed. It may criticize an issue or actions by usually public individuals and may suggest solutions to the problems being discussed.

Glamour Photos (Glamor Photos)

Glamour photos contain a set of photographs or images that relays a story or suggests an emotion to the viewers. Usually, it uses still-photos arranged sequentially or as a collection of images intended to be viewed as a whole, often featuring deep emotional phases with the purpose of arousing the viewers to action. It may convey many things from poverty, riots, war, and even portraying females in an alluring way.

Difference between Editorial and Glamour Photos

Editorial and glamour photos may be similar in a way that they convey ideas and wants to get the readers or viewers to also embrace the belief it is trying to communicate. But while editorial article is presented in a text-based manner, glamour photos uses images to glamorize a subject by utilizing lighting techniques and make-up colors to feature a dramatic effect. In addition to this, editorial is not able to display emotions and instead rely on the readers reaction while glamour photos can immediately get the attention of viewers thru the photographs.

But whatever the media being used what’s important is that the view of the author must be clear to its intended readership.

In brief:

• Editorial conveys the opinion of the author by using words to express its point of view and persuade users to side with it.

• Glamour photos uses photographs to relay an idea and get the sympathy of viewers by glamorizing the subject using colors and lighting.

• Both are used to influence the readers to join the opinion of the author.