Difference Between Educational Psychology and School Psychology

Educational Psychology vs School Psychology

School and educational psychology, if you’ll think of it, seem to have no difference at all. Since school and education are two synonymous words, we can’t help but think what made the two subtypes of psychology different.

Psychology is the study of behavior. School psychology and educational psychology are both fields under psychology. So what are the differences? Educational psychology deals with the psychology of educating humans, how educational teaching and materials affect humans, evaluation of methods of teaching and these teaching materials, and school organization effectiveness. School psychology, on the other hand, deals with the treatment of learning dilemmas of children and adolescents. They are also responsible in diagnosing such conditions present in them.

The history of educational psychology dates back a thousand years ago when educational philosophers began to criticize the method of teaching among others. These philosophers are Comenius, Vives, Quintilian and Democritus while school psychology began during the 17th and 21st centuries. Their curiosity on studying childhood learning and behavioral problems led to this type of psychology. Important personalities behind school psychology are: Lightner Witmer, Granville Stanley Hall, and Arnold Gesell.

In educational psychology, research methods are utilized to correlate findings and to solve problems. They either used quantitative or qualitative methods. In quantitative methods, computations and numbers are usually employed in the gathered data. In the qualitative method, it’s more in the use of words through descriptions of “these” and “those.” In school psychology, they usually apply the principles of educational and clinical psychology to carry out their duties and responsibilities.

In order to become an educational psychologist (with an average income of $58,000 USD) one must take up a degree in educational psychology. On the other hand, for an individual to become a school psychologist (with an average income of $58,000 USD for 6 months’ contract), one may obtain a bachelor’s degree in psychology and then take up a Master’s and Ph.D. Though not all school psychologists are working in schools, some are working in universities, clinics, forensic hubs, hospitals, etc. while some work as independent contractors.


1.Educational psychology deals primarily with teaching methods, educational materials, its effect on children and adolescents, and the evaluation of these while school psychology involves diagnosis and treatment of certain childhood behavioral, developmental, and learning problems.

2.Educational psychology dates back a thousand years ago while school psychology emerged during the17th and 21st centuries.

3.For one to become an educational psychologist, one must have a degree in educational psychology while a school psychologist must obtain a degree in psychology and the required completion of training and internship.