Difference Between Egg white and Yolk

Egg white vs Yolk

Yolk and egg white are the two liquids that are seen inside the shell. The egg white is a clear liquid that surrounds the yolk.

Both the egg white and the yolk have two different functions. While the Yolk is known to be a primary source of food for the developing embryo and the egg white functions as a protective cover for the yolk.

Well, egg is considered to be highly nutritional. But people now prefer the egg white than the yellow yolk as it contains less of cholesterol and fats.

Coming to the components, when compared to the egg white, the yolk contains more than half of the egg’s proteins. While the yolk comes with cent per cent Essential Fatty Acids, Carotenoids and Vitamins (A, E, D, K). The presence of Calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, folate, thiamin, B6, B12 and panthothenic acid is more in yolk than in egg white.

While the yolk has between 50 and 80 per cent of manganese, copper and selenium, the egg white has between 50 and 80 per cent of potassium, protein and riboflavin.

Another difference that can be seen is that the egg yolk contains a major share of copper than the egg white. When comparing the nutritional aspect, it is preferred to eat the egg yolk than the white part.

When comparing the size, the yolk is smaller than the egg white.

The yolk of a newly laid egg will be round. As the egg ages, the Yolk increases in size by absorbing water from the albumen and stretches, which gives it a flattened shape.

1. The yolk is smaller than the egg white.
2. Yolk is known to be a primary source of food for the developing embryo. The egg white functions as a protective cover for the yolk.
3. The Yolk has more nutritional value than the egg white.
4. The yolk contains more than half of the egg’s proteins.
5. Egg white does not come with cent per cent nutrients when compared to the egg yolk.
6. Calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, folate, thiamin, B6, B12 and panthothenic acid is seen more in yolk than in egg white.
7. Another difference that can be seen is that the egg yolk contains a major share of copper, manganese and selenium. The egg white has between 50 and 80 per cent of potassium, protein and riboflavin.