Difference Between Egoist and Egotist (With Table)

When a person wants to enhance the favourable views for oneself then it is termed Egotism. One’s amplified vision is given more self-importance and opinions matter. Such a person has an overwhelming sense that is focused on centrality. Egotism is related to one’s love for one image or self. It can be also called narcissism.

Egotism is very different from altruism because then we are concerned about other people than ourselves. Egoist and Egotist look similar but they mean different and have different characteristics.

Egoist vs Egotist

The main difference between egoist and egotist is that Egoist is a selfish person who cares for oneself. While egotist is a self-centred person who gives more importance to themselves. An egoist is a cunning person that will want to make oneself more favourable in others’ views. An egotist is a person who can go up to any extent to satisfy their egotism. Unlike egoists, egotists are not selfish people. Egoists will talk about one’s ego. Whereas, Egotist will always consider itself superior to any other being.

An egoist is a person who will always put ‘I’ in everything. They will always talk about themselves first. They will also ensure that if they are in any conversation then it should revolve around them. He will always believe that he is more important than anyone else. Egoists are more selfish and cunning than egotists. They do not boast about themselves. They may talk very less also at sometimes because they think that it may affect them. Because egoist gives importance to oneself.

Egotists talk very much and they can go on and on about themselves. An egotist is a self-centred person. They are not cunning. But to achieve their goal or motto they can go up to any means to satisfy it. Whether that means is straightforward or devious it doesn’t matter to them. What is there in the mind of egotists they complete it by any means? Egotists are a boaster. They will brag about themselves every time even if they are creating problems for themselves.

Comparison Table Between Egoist and Egotist

Parameters of Comparison




Puts own interest and needs.

Exaggerated self-importance.





More cunning and selfish

Not selfish

Associated with



Interested in

‘I’ and only talks about himself

Better and more important than anyone else.

What is Egoist?

An egoist person believes himself or herself to be superior to others. We cannot tell which person is Egoist or not. It can be anyone whether man or woman. Because egoists may not tell to anyone that what they are thinking and how it is going to affect others. An egoist will not talk in public about his /her self-esteem. Because they will keep thinking and always consider themselves superior to others. Egoists will try to get anything they want regardless of how they achieve it. Whether there may be a hurdle or obstacle. 

They have a very secretive nature. If they are in big trouble, they will plan everything so secretively and get the things done. That a normal person will not know how they have done it. Egoists are considered very selfish. Everything will be done in their mind. They will not show others that what they are thinking that is why they are considered cunning as a fox.

Egotistic is the term that is used to describe egoist. Egoistic is associated with egoist. It is an adjective. Egoists are considered as the believer or followers of egoism. Various forms of Egoist and egoism are there. They are rational egoism, ethical egoism, and psychological egoism. Self Importance is the foundation stone for egoists.

What is Egotist?

Egotists are self-centred people. Always interested in themselves. The world should revolve around them. They will always talk about themselves. Egotists are boastful people. They will boast about themselves even if they are talking to anybody. All the conversations should start with them, for them and end with them. Legally or Illegally they will try to get things done to achieve their goal. Because of their boastful nature, they brag about themselves. So nothing remains secret about their life.

They love to discuss openly their life, relationships, family with others. They will not think about the consequences that what will happen. Egotists will do them without any second thought. They are not selfish, unlike Egoists. They are so much absorbed in themselves that they can see nothing outside of themselves.

For example, if a person considers himself beautiful or charming, talented, intelligent on earth, then they can be called an Egotist person. Because they have exaggerated self-importance. Egotists are related to Egotism.

Main Differences Between Egoist and Egotist

  1. The meaning of egoist is to put own interests and needs. The meaning of Egotist is exaggerated self-importance.
  2. Egoists are very secretive. They don’t like to tell others before their goal is fulfilled. Egotists are boastful. They will openly tell the world.
  3. Egoists are more cunning and selfish people than Egotists.
  4. Egoist is associated with Egoism. An egotist is associated with Egotism.
  5. Egoist is interested in ‘I’ and only talks about themselves. Egotists are interested in looking better and more important than anyone else.


Egoist and Egotist are used as a synonym. Both are nouns. Both have an adjective form. The adjective form of Egoist is Egoistic. The adjective form of Egotist is Egotistic. Sometimes in the dictionaries, it is written that both are the same thing or meaning are almost the same. But there are differences. If original meaning is to be seen then an egoist person puts his/her interest before others. Egotists make everything very exaggerated.

Of course, self is important for both. But there are a few characteristics that make them different. Like Boasting, cunningness, mean and selfishness. It can be said that a person can be Egoist without being an egotist and be Egotist without being an egoist. The words can be used interchangeably. Both of the terms show the psychological state of the human world that exists in our society.


  1. https://heinonline.org/hol-cgi-bin/get_pdf.cgi?handle=hein.journals/iihcj3&section=61
  2. https://www.jstor.org/stable/43155085