Difference Between Elasticsearch and Hadoop (With Table)

Elasticsearch and Hadoop have great use as search engines and database valuations. When it comes to bulk uploading, Hadoop overtakes and Elasticsearch lags. Hadoop along with HBase does not support analytical and advanced searches. Elasticsearch is most reliable for small and medium-sized searches. Also, Elasticsearch is dependent on JavaScript Object Notation and Hadoop is developed on MapReduce. Elasticsearch Analytics is more advanced as compared to Hadoop.

Elasticsearch vs Hadoop

The main difference between Elasticsearch and Hadoop is that Elasticsearch is just a type of search engine. On the other hand, Hadoop has a distributed filesystem that mainly formulates parallel data validation. Elasticsearch favors more advanced and search-based queries whereas Hadoop along with HBASE does not support advanced searching options.

Elasticsearch is Lucene’s library-based search engine. Elasticsearch is created in Java and contains JavaScript Object Notation. Elasticsearch is compatible with all operating software loaded with Java VM. Also, Elasticsearch can be utilized as an analytics framework. Elasticsearch has high limits with a massive bulk upload. Also, Elasticsearch provides a detailed query on Digital Subscriber Line mainly based on JavaScript Object Notation.

Hadoop is an open-source utility software that promotes computation with lots of bulk data. Hadoop initiated its journey on 1st April 2006. Doug Cutting and Mike Cafarella laid the foundation of Hadoop. Hadoop utilizes MapReduce (programming model) for analyzing huge data collections. Also, Hadoop is administered as a gadget to store data and run applications in groups.

Comparison Between Elasticsearch and Hadoop

Parameters of Comparison




Elasticsearch is an “Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine.

Hadoop is an Open-source software for reliable, scalable, distributed computing.


Elasticsearch is mainly used as a search engine.

Hadoop is used to evaluate a large quantity of data.


Elasticsearch delivers a full query on Digital Subscriber Line based on JavaScript Object Notation.

Hadoop utilizes MapReduce (programming model) for analyzing huge data collections.


Elasticsearch can be operated as a Full-text search engine and can also be utilized as an analytics framework.

Hadoop is utilized as a gadget to reserve data and run applications in groups.


Elasticsearch is compatible with all operating software loaded with Java VM

Hadoop is compatible with Unix, Linux, and Windows.

What is Elasticsearch?

Elasticsearch is well known as a search engine that is mainly based on the Lucene library. Elasticsearch was firstly introduced on 8th February 2010. The main and structural programming language is Java. Also, Elasticsearch has an HTTP-based web interface along with JavaScript Object Notation documents.

Elasticsearch was assembled in Java and is available in .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, and Python. Elasticsearch has been authorized by the dual license as the Elastic license and a source available Server Side Public License. Elasticsearch ranks as the most prominent search engine according to the ranking marked by DB-Engines.

Originally, Shay Banon developed ‘Compass’ in the year 2004 which was argued as a precursor of Elasticsearch. After updating the Compass as Elasticsearch, Shay Banon formulated a common interface namely Javascript Object Notation which is acceptable over HyperText Transfer Protocol. JSON was more suitable than Java as a better option for programming language.

The initial version of Elasticsearch was introduced in February 2010. Furthermore, the name Elasticsearch was changed to Elastic in the year 2015. The basic usage of Elasticsearch is to search any kind of document. Elasticsearch is developed with the help of Logstash, Kibana, and Beats. Also, Logstash is a data assortment and log-parsing engine whereas Kibana is a visualization and analytics forum.

What is Hadoop?

On 1st April 2006, Doug Cutting and Mike Cafarella laid the foundations of Hadoop. This open-source software was developed by Apache Software Foundation. Hadoop core is mainly divided into 2 segments. One is the storage segment and the other is the processing segment.

The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is the basic storage segment and MapReduce, the programming model acts as the processing segment. Hadoop mainly functions by splitting the bulk files into smaller blocks and circulates these files across nodes in assortments. It further transfers assorted code into nodes to filter the data in parallel.

A small Hadoop assortment comprises multiple slave nodes and a single master. Furthermore, the master node consists of a DataNode, Job Tracker, NameNode, and Task Tracker. Also, the worker node performs the tasks of both TaskTracker and DataNode. However, Hadoop also accesses computer-only and data-only slave modes.

While talking about the bulk clusters, Hadoop Distributed File System nodes are administered through the NameNode server to analyze the file system index. The subordinate NameNode is used to develop the snapshots, which prevent the loss of data and corruption of the file system. According to G2.com, Hadoop is rated 4.3 out of 5 and is easily available in the market. Also, G2.com is a renowned website for reviewing software.

Main differences between Elasticsearch and Hadoop

  1. The Elasticsearch works on the principles of JavaScript Object Notation whereas Hadoop works on the MapReduce principle.
  2. While looking at the programming language, Elasticsearch has a variety of programming languages such as Ruby, Lua, Go whereas Hadoop doesn’t have this programming language.
  3. The Elasticsearch proves its compatibility with all Java VM software whereas Hadoop is compatible with Linux, Windows, and Unix.
  4. Elasticsearch is mainly used for batch processing whereas Hadoop is used for real-time results and queries.
  5. Elasticsearch has a limit in uploading bulk data whereas Hadoop offers bulk data upload.


Elasticsearch was firstly introduced on 8th February 2010 by Shay Banon. The main and structural programming language of Elasticsearch is Java. Elasticsearch is a highly-durable, analytic engine and dispersed full-text search which allows the user to store, analyze and search huge amounts of data in near real-time. Hadoop is constructed on the base of Lucene, which is software technically used as a search engine along with coded encrypted in Java and furnished by the Apache Software Foundation. Also, Apache Lucene is one software that is mostly used for searching.

Hadoop has an inner component which is known as the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). HDFS is used to fulfill the demand for huge data processing, for example, accessing large-block streaming, and is used as a high-performance parallel file system. The Hadoop trademark is owned by the Apache Software Foundation. Furthermore, Hadoop has initiated to furnish as a web search engine and build itself as a solitary software. Moreover, it has evolved into a habitat of applications and tools manipulated to examine larger volumes of data. Hadoop is assisted by the MapReduce programming model for accessing enormous data sets on clusters of commodity hardware. Hadoop is a huge cluster of enormous data which is mainly manipulated for compiling data, processing, and decoding the data patterns. Also, Elasticsearch is based on a disk system along with caching option.


  1. https://www.jug.ch/events/slides/151007_einfuehrung-in-elasticsearch.pdf
  2. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=PEFK3MuwBsIC&oi=fnd&pg=PT12&dq=elasticsearch&ots=t160Giphl2&sig=lGhmlpwCoW0hYdexIWNJVX8UZuk
  3. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=8DozEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT15&dq=hadoop&ots=ryDm834hHv&sig=s3APCi4wRAMP6ZWV05TgPVUROO4
  4. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=drbI_aro20oC&oi=fnd&pg=PR5&dq=hadoop&ots=t0Agxeo-d7&sig=mS7UubZeWUmOpf9l53AIX4qpyoY