Difference Between Electricity and Magnetism (With Table)

Physics is a study of all the natural things from light, electricity, particles, to the study of black holes and dark matter in space, from how magnets are attracted towards each other to how the earth revolves and rotates around the sun.

Magnetism and electricity are some of the most advanced and easy studies in the field of physics. Major physics concepts revolve around magnetism and electricity, these terms are often used together, and they both are related that gave rise to electromagnetism. Still, there is a vast difference, and both possess different characteristics.

Electricity vs Magnetism

The main difference between electricity and magnetism is electricity is that magnetism is generated when there is an interaction between the two moving charges, Where the like poles repel each other but the, unlike poles, attract each other. Phenomena between electricity and magnetism led to the discovery of electromagnetism.

Table Comparison Between Electricity and Magnetism

Parameters of Comparison




When free electrons move together in a required direction leads to the generation of electricity.

Its formation depends upon the construction of electricity that leads to the formation of a magnetic field.

Presence of Monopoles

Monopoles exist in the case of electricity with either a positive or a negative charge.

Monopoles do not exist in the magnet as it is the opposite charges that get attracted.


It is formed due to the presence of static charges or free-moving electrons.

The magnetic field is generated whenever there are free moving charges that are the electricity; magnetism cannot exist without electricity.

Presence of Dipoles

Dipoles do not exist in the electricity; it only has either two charges, positive or negative.

Dipoles exist sin the magnetism as North and South poles and never exist independently.


It is used and found everywhere from Ac to heaters and in electric equipment.

It is found in the computer parts as floppy disks to store data.

What is Electricity?

Electricity is a phenomenon that was first described by Benjamin Franklin in the 18th century. It is defined as the flow of electrical charges, which is an invisible force.

Electricity today is used for many purposes, from keeping televisions and home lit to control the water flow in the dams that helps to supply water. Electricity has two aspects: conductors and insulators, conductors or other substances through which electricity can be passed quickly, for example, every kind of metal, even the human body, is a great conductor of electricity; insulators are those objects that do not allow electricity to pass through them. For example, rubber and plastic electricity force is also called the monopoles due to only a positive charge or a negative charge in the electricity flow.

There are two kinds of charges static electricity and current electricity.Static electricity is formed by rubbing two objects simultaneously at a very high pace to generate a small amount of electricity. Static electricity can even be produced with insulators. For example, rubber, current electricity is electricity that is mainly used in every aspect. It is defined as the charged particles’ free flow movement, which can only be passed through conductors. There are two types of currents, AC and DC.

AC, also known as the alternating current, is the current that is used in our homes, and direct current is the current that is passed on with very high speed without any hindrances and is not suitable to use in places like homes and factories.