Difference Between Electron Geometry and Molecular Geometry (With Table)

Science is the investigation of issues of the society and it manages the numerous ways one sort of issue can be changed into different sorts. All molecules are made out of three major particles – protons, electrons, and neutrons. At the point when at least two particles are firmly held together to shape an atom, there are compound connections between every molecule and its nearby neighbors. The state of a particle passes on an abundance of data and the initial step to understanding the science of an atom is to know its calculation.

The calculation of an atom decides the reactivity, extremity and natural movement of that particle. The VSEPR (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion) hypothesis can be utilized to decide the calculations of atoms.

Electron Geometry vs Molecular Geometry

The main difference between electron geometry and molecular geometry is that electron geometry is found by taking both solitary electron combines and bonds in a particle though molecular geometry is discovered utilizing just the bonds present in the atom.


Comparison Table Between Electron Geometry and Molecular Geometry

Parameters of the Comparison

Electron Geometry

Molecular Geometry

What are they?

The Electron geometry decides the state of the atom that includes the electron pair and bond pair.

Molecular geometry decides the state of the particle that includes just the bond sets

Their opinion on electron pair

Electron geometry considers electron pair

The molecular geometry doesn’t consider the electron pair.

The electrons

Electron geometry incorporates both holding and non-holding electrons

Molecular geometry incorporates just holding electrons.

The molecules

Electron geometry helps give the plan of electron sets.

Molecular geometry helps give the course of action of molecules around the central cores.

How does the electrons match here?

In electron geometry, the all outnumber of electron matches and bond sets are checked.

In the molecular geometry, the absolute number of bond sets is tallied.


What is Electron Geometry?

Electron geometry is the state of a particle anticipated by considering both bond electron sets and solitary electron sets. The VSEPR hypothesis expresses that electron sets situated around a specific particle repulse one another.

Electron sets are characterized as electrons two by two or bonds, solitary sets, or now and again a solitary unpaired electron. Since electrons are consistently in steady movement and their ways can’t be decisively characterized, the game plan of the electrons in an atom is depicted regarding an electron thickness conveyance. These electron sets can be either holding electrons or non-holding electrons.

The electron geometry gives the spatial course of action of the apparent multitude of bonds and solitary sets of a particle. The electron geometry can be acquired utilizing VSEPR hypothesis.

We should think about CH4 for instance: The middle particle here is C, and there are 4 valence electrons. Hydrogen particles give 4 electrons, which implies there are a sum of 8 electrons around C. The single bonds, for this situation, are 4 and the quantity of solitary sets is 0. That is the way we establish that the electron geometry of CH4 is tetrahedral.


What is Molecular Geometry?

Molecular geometry is utilized to decide the state of a particle. It just alludes to the three-dimensional course of action or structure of iotas in an atom. Understanding the molecular geometry of a compound decides the reactivity, extremity, shading, period of issue, and attraction.

The calculation of a particle is typically depicted regarding bond lengths, bond points, and torsional points. For little particles, the molecular geometry recipe and a table of standard bond lengths and points might be everything necessary to decide the math of the atom. In contrast to electron geometry, it is anticipated by considering just the electron sets.

We should consider a case of water (H2O). Here, oxygen (O) is the main molecule with 6 valence electrons so it requires 2 additional electrons from 2 hydrogen particles to finish its octet. So, there are 4 electron bunches orchestrated in a tetrahedral shape. There are likewise 2 single bond sets, so the subsequent shape is bent.

Main Differences Between Electron Geometry and Molecular Geometry

  1. We consider both solitary electron matches and bond electron sets while deciding the state of a particle in electron math. In sub-atomic calculation, however, we just consider bond electron sets.
  2. We figure the quantity of absolute electron sets in electron geometry and not in molecular geometry.
  3. Through electron geometry, we get the spatial game plan of the solitary matches and bond in the atom. We can decide it through VSEPR hypothesis, as indicated by which, electron spaces repulse one another.
  4. Electron Geometry is the shape the electrons take around the focal iota. This is the shape the real associations between molecules take in a compound. The shape is directed by the electron geometry.
  5. One of the numerous instances of tetrahedral electron geometry is Ammonia (NH3). The focal particle here is N and four electron sets are disseminated looking like a tetrahedron with just a single solitary electron pair. Accordingly, the electron geometry of NH3 is tetrahedral. Nonetheless, its molecular geometry is three-sided pyramidal in light of the fact that the bond points are 107 degrees as the hydrogen molecules are repulsed by the solitary pair of electrons around nitrogen. Also, the atomic calculation of water (H2O) is twisted in light of the fact that there are 2 single bond sets.



Electron geometry incorporates the solitary electron sets present in a particle. Molecular geometry can be controlled by the quantity of bonds that a specific particle has.

While understanding what matter is made of, we find out about so numerous new things that we basically lose ourselves in the delightful universe of science.

Nonetheless, a couple of ideas can be somewhat hard to appreciate in light of the fact that they appear to be comparable or in light of the fact that they are simply befuddling! One such idea is the distinction between electron calculation and atomic math.

Electron geometry encourages us about the plan of various electron gatherings. Molecular geometry, then again, encourages us comprehend the whole iota and its game plan. It is the 3D plan of the apparent multitude of iotas in a specific atom.


  1. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ed047p18
  2. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=6rDDAgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=Electron+Geometry+and+Molecular+Geometry&ots=-1JeLfomlq&sig=q7I-MLEuaN3FiSp3hU_W8LX_5Os