Difference Between Emo and Jock

Emo vs Jock

Emo and Jock are terms used to refer to adults. Though the two terms ‘“ Emo and Jock ‘“ represent the new age tradition and fashion of kids and adults, they are different in many aspects, such as their physical and mental characteristics, as well as other things.

Here, let us see how Jocks differ from Emos. As said earlier, the Jocks and Emos differ in all aspects. So what makes a person to be categorized as a Jock? Jocks are basically related to athletes. People with an athletic physic and character are generally called Jocks.

Jocks are considered to be people who are concerned about their body; these types of kids or adults always maintain a perfect body. Well, Jocks are good looking, and they are good at flirting. Jocks are also very selective in choosing people, and dating. Most of the Jocks prefer to wear sports jerseys.

Well, another thing that is said to be a characteristic of these people is that they are not that intelligent; it is their physical features that makes them different, and that is what they care about the most. Well, Jocks are considered to be homophobic, competitive and bullying.

Now, talking about Emo kids and adults, they are not that athletic, but are often associated with emotional feelings. Emos are mainly identified by their clothing and style of makeup. Emo adults and kids are considered to be a bit hardcore, and they try to appear different from what they actually are. Emo adults suffer from emotional conflicts.

Unlike the Jocks, Emo adults and kids are identified by their black dressing style. It is said that Emos wear black to show off their hardcore character. Moreover, Emo kids and adults use pink eye shadow, and love multiple piercings, jewelry and beads.


1. Jocks are basically related to athletes. People with an athletic physic and character are generally called Jocks. On the other hand, Emo kids and adults are often related to emotional feelings.

2. Most Jocks prefer to wear sports jerseys.

3. Unlike Jocks, Emo adults and kids are identified by their black dressing style.

4. Emo adults and kids are considered to be a bit hardcore, and they try to appear different from what they actually are. Well, Jocks are considered to be homophobic, competitive and bullying.

5. Unlike the Emos, Jocks are good looking, and they are good at flirting.