Difference Between Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency (With Table)

Different natural and artificial resources give out different types of energies. These energies are useful for human beings for carrying out several experiments and they have wide applications. These resources are either natural or manmade, abundant or scarce, harmful or harmless, renewable or nonrenewable. Various projects and concepts are implemented to not waste these energies. Two of those are 1. Energy conservation and 2. Energy efficiency.

Energy Conservation vs Energy Efficiency

The main difference between energy conservation and energy efficiency is their meaning. Energy conservation is the process that is implemented to make less use of energy to carry out a certain task, on the other hand, energy efficiency is the process where technology is used to perform a similar task by using less energy.

The process that includes saving energy that is used for completing a certain task is known as energy conservation. In this process, it is made sure that energy is used less or conservatively for completing a certain project or work. The usage of energy is decreased in this process.

The process of using energy efficiently without decreasing it is known as energy efficiency. In this process, the technology that uses minimum or efficient energy is used instead of performing a similar task with lesser energy. The focus is made on using energy in an efficient manner.

Comparison Table Between Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency

Parameters Of Comparison

Energy Conservation

Energy Efficiency


In energy conservation, the service is reduced and energy is saved.

In energy efficiency, service is not reduced.

Energy usage

Energy usage is reduced.

Energy usage is done efficiently.

Focuses on

It focuses on how people can change their behaviour to save energy.

It focuses on how one can use different appliances that use less energy to carry out a similar task.


In energy conservation, the pre-existing appliances and/ or material is used in an economic way.

In energy efficiency, the pre-existing appliances and/ or material is replaced with the material and/ or appliances that consume less energy.


Turning off various electrical appliances after their usage is complete, usage of natural light instead of turning on the lights in the house.

Replacing the electrical appliances with the ones with less energy consumption, installation of LED lights.

What is Energy Conservation?

The process of using the available energy resources in an economic manner is known as energy conservation. In this process, the available material is used less for saving energy. One can accomplish several benefits like money savings, environmental balance etc by energy conservation.

Several measures can be taken to conserve energy. By making use of this method one can save future energy resources from extinction or demolition. One can implement this method by upgrading the material they use that require energy, maintaining a balance and not wasting energy, making use of technological advancements etc.

In the energy hierarchy, energy conservation is the topmost method of saving energy. The costs of the energy required and that can be used in future is also decreased because of energy conservation. Every year on 14 December the world celebrates Energy Conservation Day. This day has been celebrated since the year 1991.

The law of energy conservation entails that energy can neither be created nor destroyed and it can only change its form. When energy changes its form during a certain task, for instance, when the machines are in motion for carrying out a certain task they require energy and sometimes they lead to wastage of energy. With the help of energy conservation, the wastage of energy can be avoided.

What is Energy Efficiency?

Energy sufficiency is the process in which instead of cutting out the energy usage, the appliances that use the energy are replaced with the appliances that make less energy usage. The concept of energy efficiency brings many advantages to humans. Instead of using renewable sources of energy frequently one can also use non-renewable sources of energy by implementing energy efficiency.

Many people consider energy efficiency as one of the cheapest options for saving energy. In this method, one does not have to cut back their usage of a certain appliance as the appliance itself uses less energy. The demand for energy imports can be reduced by using this method. Other than that, greenhouse gas emissions are also reduced.

When the materials that use more energy are replaced with materials that use less energy even at household levels, many economic benefits can be obtained. The economy itself consists of different sectors that make use of energy for different tasks. Transportation, industrial processes, buildings for administrations etc can also save energy by using appliances that consume less energy.

Small steps can be taken to practice energy efficiency. If a certain household is making use of bulbs that consume more energy then they can be replaced by LED lights that consume less energy. For covering a certain distance some energy-efficient vehicles make use of lesser fuel. Making use of electric vehicles is also one of the useful energy efficient options.

Main Differences Between Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency

  1. In energy conservation, the usage of a certain appliance is reduced, on the other hand, in energy efficiency, the appliance itself is replaced by an appliance that consumes less energy.
  2. In energy conservation, the focus is made on how behavioural changes can be made in human beings for saving energy, on the other hand, in energy efficiency, the focus is made on how one can use appliances that consume less energy.
  3. In energy conservation, the material or the appliance is not related, on the other hand, in energy efficiency, the appliance or material is replaced.
  4. In energy conservation, technological upgrades are not used, on the other hand, in energy efficiency, technological upgrades are used as the appliance itself is replaced.
  5. An example of energy conservation include walking to a certain location, on the other hand, an example of energy efficiency include making use of electric vehicle.


Both energy conservation and energy efficiency are two of the most useful concepts that one can implement in their lives to save the environment and its resources from demolition or extinction. If an individual does not want to upgrade their appliances then he or she can implement energy conservation. If a person does not want to make behavioural changes and still want to save energy then he or she can implement energy efficiency. Either way, the outcome remains the same that is energy is saved.


  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301421508004643
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0301421596000171