Difference Between Erosion and Corrosion (With Table)

Corrosion and Erosion both are a reaction in which a substance undergoes a change and forms a different substance. There are differences between these two and makes it an amazing scientific phenomenon. The changes seen in these processes can be chemical or natural. Erosion only occurs on the surface of the land. The metals normally undergo corrosion. The metal surface gets changed, and actually, the metal surface gets wasted. This process is irreversible.

Erosion vs Corrosion

The main difference between Erosion and Corrosion is Erosion is a natural process in which the material changes its actual nature, whereas, in Corrosion, the material directly changes its chemical composition. Erosion occurs through natural agents, whereas Corrosion occurs due to corrosive agents. Erosion consists of various processes like weathering, dissolution, and transportation.

Erosion occurs naturally. It is a natural process in which the material gets carried away from one place to another. The natural forces work as agents in erosion. It is a physical process. It carries the particles to another location. Natural agents are wind, ice, and water.

Corrosion is a process in which the substance changes its composition during oxidation. It is an electrochemical process. The corrosion process occurs during oxidation. It takes place under atmospheric oxygen. The material gets transformed into a different chemical compound which is known as Rust. Corrosion consists of the galvanic, crevice, and some other agents.

Comparison Table Between Erosion and Corrosion

Parameters of Comparison



Type Of Process

Natural, physical




Metal, polymer, or ceramics


Natural agents like water, ice, and wind

Corrosive agents like sulfates and oxygen.


Weathering, transportation, and dissolution

Galvanic, crevice

Preventive Measures

Plantation, terracing

coating of the surface.

What is Erosion?

A natural process that carries away the particles from one place to another. There are three types of erosion which are wind erosion, ice erosion, and water erosion. Erosion which happens due to ice, is shifting glaciers from one place to another. Erosion carries away the bare land particles, dry leaves loose particles of Earth’s surface.

Erosion is just the movement of particles. The impact of erosion is determined by climate, topography, and vegetation cover. It is a natural process in which the material gets carried away from one place to another. The natural forces work as agents in erosion. It is a physical process. It carries the particles to another location.

Natural agents are wind, ice, and water. There are preventive measures for Erosion. Land reform techniques can be used. Plantation, terracing, and protecting vegetation cover can prevent Erosion. Erosion only occurs on the surface of the land. Erosion consists of various processes like weathering, dissolution, and transportation.

The external forces lead to Erosion. It occurs naturally. The natural agents drag the particles or dissolve in the water. It may modify the actual particle. Acid Rain is also a reason which makes erosion. It destroys the topsoil, due to which the particles of the soil become loose. It gets easily carried away by the wind particles.