Difference Between ESOL and ELL (With Table)

English is crucial to surviving in many parts of the world. With its wide prevalence, the English language has become a basic requirement for some jobs and to get into some educational institutions. People from non-English countries usually find it a little hard initially to get used to English. To help them get better many programs are organized.


The main difference between ESOL and ELL is that ESOL is a program organized by institutions in countries like the United States and the UK. They are to help people who are not fluent in English. While ELL is a person from a foreign country who doesn’t know English but takes classes to improve their English speaking ability.

ESOL courses are offered to students with a mother tongue other than English. It is taken by people whose first language is not English. Anyone who starts to learn English with different cultural background is an ESOL learner. ESOL exams are taken by people working in English countries. Institutions and schools help these people achieve their goal of good English.

ELL is the term used to denote the non-English people learning the English language. These people may be immigrants or students who are poor in English. Immigrant students attending schools and colleges in English-speaking countries are given special English programs by the respective or other institutions. These students are ELLs.

Comparison Table Between ESOL and ELL

Parameters of Comparison




English for speakers of other languages

English language learners


It is a program for helping people that are not strong in the English language

It is used to denote non-English English learners

Offered by

Schools, Libraries, Churches, Institutions, etc

Identified by teachers and given specific training


ESOL helps in securing a good job or getting into an institution of choice

ELL students should be given language instructions

Age limit

16 and above

No age limit

What is ESOL?

People go to English-speaking countries like America and the United Kingdom to look for jobs and earn a living. But these people may or may not be good at English. If they are not capable of communicating properly it is hard for them to live there and tough to get a job. To improve their English skills ESOL program is given.

School students also suffer due to low English knowledge. So, in schools with immigrant students teachers find out if a student is feeling it hard to understand English. Students are selected and trained teachers are appointed to teach them. Other subjects that the student finds hard to understand because of language are also taught.

Institutions and colleges also offer ESOL programs. ESOL for University students is given before they start to attend their normal university classes. Public libraries in these countries also give this program to people who need assistance. Librarians and Local teachers indulge in teaching here. In this case, people are asked to pay some amount of fee.

Churches, Refugee centers, and NGOs also offer this program free of cost. Basics like Vocabulary, Grammar, and Phrases are taught. Reading and writing lessons are also included. This program has been a good opportunity for the students to understand and appreciate varied cultures. The classes are collaborative and teachers specially trained are also involved in helping the students in addition to normal English teachers.

What is ELL?

There are different programs and courses given to improve English proficiency. People whose mother tongue is not English and who take these courses are called ELLs. ELL learners are commonly primary and secondary school students, adults looking for jobs, and immigrants. By learning these courses they become confident enough to speak among native people.

ELL learners go through many difficulties at work and school. Students who need support can be easily distinguished from the other students. They are usually quiet and do not communicate with other students and teachers properly. All of them are immigrants and they have different cultural backgrounds. They find the new space different and stay silent mostly.

Language also acts as a barrier for them to mingle with others. Students from different countries face different difficulties. Students from Germany and some other European countries already know many English words but students from Asian countries are entirely new to it. So some students learn quickly while the others take more time.

ELL students are taught in small groups. Students communicate with their peers and practice speaking. This will allow them to process and verbalize the information. This lets them effectively communicate their thoughts. Visual and graphical tools are used in the process of ELL teaching. ELL students must be provided a safe and comfortable environment to practice and correct their mistakes.

Main Differences Between ESOL and ELL

  1. ESOL is the program offered to non-English people learning the English language while ELL is referred to the people learning the English language who have no English background
  2. ESOL is offered by Schools, universities, Libraries, and NGOs. ELL learners are either chosen or they enroll themselves
  3. ESOL helps increase a person’s knowledge and fluency in English. ELL learners usually suffer early due to the language barrier
  4. Immigrants take ESOL to improve their language and get better jobs while ELL learners are mostly immigrants or students who have come from different countries
  5. ESOL programs in schools also help the students to improve in other subjects that are taught in English. ELL learners focus mainly on learning new vocabulary and grammar.


The students struggling with language are treated in a way to makes them feel safe. They are given special accommodations like fewer reading assignments, special strategies for reading, graphical learning, etc. Lessons start right from the basics. They are not neglected but included in groups helping them learn more. This will help them open up.

The ESOL program not only improves the language but also makes the brain function actively. When they learn this new language the change in the electrical activity of the brain improves their overall personality giving them an increased level of self-esteem. This helps many of them to convey their thoughts effectively and gain opportunities.


  1. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/26390043.2017.12067793
  2. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ824874