Difference Between Espresso and Expresso

Coffee is the number one choice of people around the world as a hot beverage first thing in the morning. Espresso coffee is the type of coffee that is most popular and is made by passing hot water at high pressure over ground coffee. There is another spelling Expresso that keeps doing rounds and used by many people in different parts of the world, to refer to the same coffee beverage. Though the word has been accepted as a variant for the spelling of espresso in many parts of the world, there are many who feel that Expresso is nothing but corruption of Espresso. Let us take a closer look.


Espresso is both the name of the machine as well as the hot coffee beverage made by the machine. It is perhaps the most loved variant of coffee consumed by coffee lovers around the world. It is made by forcing high pressure hot water over finely ground coffee beans that creates a syrupy beverage. It contains some froth at the top that is the result of emulsification of the coffee powder. The beverage is bitter in taste with people adding sugar as per their taste.


In some parts of the world, people use the spelling Expresso for the hot beverage produced by the espresso machine. May be the word is a result of the fact that the beverage is served expressly to people after making. May be coffee being made at an express speed gave birth to this type of coffee being referred to as Expresso. However, most experts agree that Expresso is a corruption of the spelling of espresso as Italian language does not contain X at all.

What is the difference between Espresso and Expresso?

• Espresso is a type of coffee produced by passing high pressure hot water over ground coffee.

• Expresso is an incorrect spelling of the word espresso and is probably a result of the word express and expressly that are associated with espresso coffee.

• Espresso is an Italian word and interesting fact is that Italian alphabet does not have an X.

• Espresso, which is an Italian word, when translated into English, becomes express. This is perhaps the reason why the beverage is incorrectly called Expresso by some people.