Difference Between Fault and Failure (With Table)

The terms ‘fault’ and ‘failure’ can be termed as two negative terms as they almost mean something that is not correct. Both, terms have different sets of meanings that justify their differences. Fault and Failure directs different situations that we will be discussing here.

Fault vs Failure

The main difference between the terms fault and failure resembles that there are definitions that distinctly divide their meanings. In simple words, fault resembles something that can be termed as a mistake or error. On the other hand, in simple words, failure resembles something that is the negative outcome of some serious efforts that are made for a particular thing or situation.

In simple words, fault resembles something that can be termed as a mistake or error. Fault can be done on purpose or without purpose, that depends upon the situation. The fault is considered to be a noun term. Its causes can be said to be carelessness or ignorance.

On the other hand, in simple words, failure resembles something that is the negative outcome of some serious efforts that are made for a particular thing or situation. Failure causes when someone hopes for success but ends up with nothing in return. Failure is also considered to be a noun term.

Comparison Table Between Fault and Failure

Parameters of Comparison




The term fault refers to some kind of mistake or error that someone is to be blamed.

The term failure refers to something that does not get the success and hence ends up losing.

The Etymological Meaning of the Term

The term fault has been originated from an old French term called ‘faute’ meaning ‘lack’ or deficiency’.

The term failure has been originated from the Anglo-French term ‘failer’ and the term ‘failer’ from the Old French term ‘falir’ meaning ‘be lacking’ or ‘not succeed’.

Role of the Term

The term fault might have a minor role in its meaning in a situation.

The term failure might have a major role in its meaning in a situation.


Generally, a fault is caused by a few instances such as carelessness or ignorance.

Generally, failure is caused by many instances but the particular term that justifies it is a fault.

Synonym Terms

Fault includes various synonyms such as guilt, censure, find fault with, culpability, etc.

Failure includes various synonyms such as non-success, omission, non-performance, etc.

Antonym Terms

The antonym term for fault is faultlessness or correctness.

The antonym term for failure is a success.


John apologized to his friend because he was upset about its fault, which ruined their friendship.

Otis is sad about Ola’s failure in the school relay race.

What is Fault?

Fault means when some or something is responsible for the mistake or error that is made by them. Fault can be classified into two types, wherein in one situation the fault can be done without any purpose and the other is when someones does a mistake on purpose. But, both the faults are wrong. The term fault has been originated from an old French term called ‘faute’ meaning ‘lack’ or deficiency’.

The term fault might have a minor role in its meaning in a situation. The term fault is said to have a minor role because when a person does a mistake the fault of the person might not have a big influence, not that situation. But, it has some minimalistic influence. Generally, a fault is caused by a few instances such as carelessness or ignorance. When one requires to be serious and should give proper attention to the task then the task completes smoothing without any mistake. But, when the person ignores and acts like a careless person then a mistake takes place and hence it leads to the fault of the person.

Fault includes various synonyms such as guilt, censure, find fault with, culpability, etc. And, its antonym terms are faultlessness or correctness. An example of a sentence including the term ‘fault’ is – John apologized to his friend because he was upset about its fault, which ruined their friendship.

What is Failure?

Failure simply denotes when someone does not succeed in a particular task or something. Failure means losing. The term failure has been originated from the Anglo-French term ‘failer’ and the term ‘failer’ from the Old French term ‘falir’ meaning ‘be lacking’ or ‘not succeed’. Initially, the original term was referred from a different language and that is Anglo-French, and later on, that term also changed into the Old French term. Therefore, the term failure is associated with two different languages. The origin term of failure itself refers to the meaning of failure.

The term failure might have a major role in its meaning in a situation. This is because when someone fails then it might lead to various directions and can affect the overall situation of the person. Generally, failure is caused by many instances but the particular term that justifies it is a fault.

There is both antonym and synonym of the word failure. Failure includes various synonyms or the terms that denote the same meaning of failure are such as non-success, omission, non-performance, etc. And also, the antonym term for failure is a success. An example of a sentence including the term ‘failure’ is – Otis is sad about Ola‘s failure in the school relay race.

Main Differences Between Fault and Failure

  1. The term fault refers to some kind of mistake or error that someone is to be blamed. On the other hand, The term failure refers to something that does not get success and hence ends up losing.
  2. The term fault has been originated from an old French term called ‘faute’ meaning ‘lack’ or deficiency’. On the other hand, The term failure has been originated from the Anglo-French term ‘failer’ and the term ‘failer’ from the Old French term ‘falir’ meaning ‘be lacking’ or ‘not succeed’.
  3. The term fault might have a minor role in its meaning in a situation. On the other hand, The term failure might have a major role in its meaning in a situation.
  4. Generally, a fault is caused by a few instances such as carelessness or ignorance. On the other hand, Generally, failure is caused by many instances but the particular term that justifies it is a fault.
  5. Fault includes various synonyms such as guilt, censure, find fault with, culpability, etc. On the other hand, Failure includes various synonyms such as non-success, omission, non-performance, etc.
  6. The antonym terms for fault are faultlessness or correctness. On the other hand, The antonym term for failure is success.
  7. An example with the term fault is – John apologized to his friend because he was upset about its fault, which ruined their friendship. On the other hand, an example with the term failure is – Otis is sad about Ola’s failure in the school relay race.


Fault and Failure are two English terms that have different meanings and also the terms are used to portray different situations. Both the terms are originated from different origin words that we have discussed above. There are both synonyms and antonyms of fault and failure. We have also discussed the differences with some examples. One should always be clear with the meanings as it helps to improve the vocabulary.


  1. https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/bssa/article-lookup/95/1/109
  2. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/4760152/