Difference Between Fertile and Ovulation

Fertile vs Ovulation

In the concepts of reproduction, men and women should able to understand certain concepts. For young students studying sex education, they are included for careful explanation through layman’s terms first for them to fully understand these concepts. Concepts of reproduction are important. In this concept, a lot of children who are lost try to experiment and learn from their friends. The results of this experimentation lead to unwanted and early pregnancies, abortions, and broken families.

The society we live in must be carefully evaluated with the growing number of these incidents. This must be stopped and changes must be done. Two of the concepts under reproduction that must be taught well are ovulation and being fertile. Though thinking about the two words make us think that there are no differences, we shall investigate if there is a difference between the two words.

“Fertile” or being fertile are a words referring to a period in a woman’s menstrual cycle that precedes the ovulation days. In fertile days, women can have sex with their husbands, but the chances of fertilization are lower compared to the days of ovulation. Ovulation, on the other hand, is a process in which egg cells mature and are being produced from the ovary. In a women’s menstrual cycle, ovulating days are said to be the best days to have sex for the eggs are fully mature. Thus, there is a higher chance of fertilization or unification of the sperm and the egg cell.

How do women know that they are fertile? First, they compute their menstrual calendar whether they are regular or irregularly menstruating. According to research, women ovulate 14 days before their menstruation begins. Then women are said to be fertile after their menstruation for at least two weeks which will then last for another two to three days afterwards. That is the cycle in its simplest terms and explanations.

Some women cannot determine if they are fertile or ovulating. Some are not even sure. So the best advice for them to do is to buy ovulating kits to determine whether they are ovulating or not. This is for those who are planning to have children as soon as possible. For some who can make the determination, women refer to their menstrual calendar and the consistency of the cervical mucus that is coming out of their reproductive organ. The cervical mucus method can help the woman tell whether she is ovulating or not.


“Fertile” is a period in which a woman can be pregnant but not as much compared to ovulation which is the best time for a woman to get pregnant.
In being fertile, eggs are not that mature compared to ovulation in which the eggs are mature and being produced from the ovary.
Ovulation days occur before menstruation begins while fertile days occur after menstruation occurs.