Difference Between Finalise and Finalize (With Table)

Finalise and Finalize are the words found in the English language. In English, the words “Finalize” and “Finalise” both mean the same in many ways. The word ‘Finalise’ and ‘Finalize’ comes from the Latin word ‘finis,’ meaning to finish or end, however, in Greek, these two words mean different things. Both Finalise and Finalize may seem similar, yet they are different from each other.

Finalise vs Finalize

The main difference between Finalise and Finalize is that in Greek, the word “Finalise” means to complete a process, whereas in Greek, the word “finalize” means to “end a process.” In the English language, “Finalise” is a verb, so it always has to have an object, whereas “Finalize” in the English language is also a verb, but it does not necessarily need an object.

Finalise is a word used to describe the completion of a process. Moreover, in Greek, the word “Finalise” means to complete a process. “Finalise” is a verb, but it does not necessarily need an object. Moreover, it can be used by itself. As a result, the meaning is usually to make something definite or final.

Finalize is a word used to describe the final stage of something, moreover in Greek word “finalize” means “to end a process.” The “Finalize” is a verb, so it always has to have an object. The object is usually something that gives the action or meaning to the sentence. As a result, the meaning is to complete something.

Comparison Table Between Finalise and Finalize

Parameters of Comparison




Finalise is a word used to describe the completion of a process.

Finalize is a word used to describe the final stage of something.


The word ‘Finalise’ comes from Latin that is an alternative to the word Finalize.

The word ‘Finalize’ comes from Latin.


It is a verb without an object.

It is a verb with an object.

Number of Implementation

The word “Finialise” has less number of implementation, moreover, it is not used frequently as it is an alternative.

The word “Finalize” has a large number of implementations.


I’ll try and finalise all the paperwork today.

There is still a lot to finalize before the launch of the product.

What is Finalise?

Finalise is a verb that means the completion of a process. The word ‘Finalise’ comes from the Latin word ‘finis, meaning to finish or end. Moreover, it is found to be an alternative for the word Finalize. In some cases, it refers to the state of being complete or fixed as an attribute of an object or entity. For instance, If you have already finalized your plans for the day, it means that they are complete or that you have finished preparing them.

Some examples are given below where the word Finialise is used where the completion of works or execution of a particular job.

  • Winning the World Cup is Japan‘s finalise.
  • The construction of this building has finalised.
  • Management wants to finalise the timetable by mid-March.
  • Our lawyers are finalising the terms of the settlement.
  • Finalising the paperwork takes slightly longer than you might expect.

Finalise is a word that can be used as a verb or as a noun. In the above examples, the action of ‘Finalising’ is being undertaken, but as a noun, Finalisation refers to bringing an end to something.

“Finalise” is a verb, but it does not necessarily need an object. Moreover, it can be used by itself. The meaning of the word “Finialise” is usually to make something definite or final, such as I’ll try and Finalise all the paperwork today. Moreover, the word Finalise can also be used to mean “make improvements or finish something.”

What is Finalize?

Finalize is a word used to describe the final stage of something, often related to paperwork. Moreover, the word “Finalize” is a verb, so it always has to have an object. A loan might be finalized, meaning that it has been approved and the paperwork has been completed. It also means a contract is finalized when parties have agreed on its terms, and any remaining steps require legal proceedings.

Some examples are given below where the word Finalize is used:

  • There is still a lot to finalize before planning the product.
  • Many things need to be finalized for next year’s project starting on time.
  • The marketing manager must make sure that his or her product is finalized before it goes on sale.
  • A student may be said to be in the finalized phase of a program when they are taking courses that lead them toward their goal.

“Finalize” is primarily used in business. Moreover, it is used to describe the paperwork associated with a given situation, such as a bachelor’s degree may be finalized when individual graduates from a university and has all of their credits and general education requirements completed. It is also used to refer to the final stage of a musical performance, such as an opera or musical. Similarly, these three words ( completion, finish, and wind up ) all mean doing something to complete it.

Main Differences Between Finalise and Finalize

  1. Finalise is a word used to describe the completion of a process, whereas, Finalize is a word used to describe the final stage of something.
  2. The origin of the word ‘Finalise’ comes from Latin that is an alternative to the word Finalize, whereas the origin of the word ‘Finalize’ comes from Latin.
  3. Finalise is a verb that does not necessarily need an object, whereas, Finalize is a verb that always has to have an object.
  4. The word “Finialise” has less implementation. Moreover, it is not used frequently as it is an alternative, whereas the word “Finalize” has a large number of implementations.
  5. For instance of Finialise includes: I’ll try and Finalise all the paperwork today, whereas, for instance of Finialise includes: there is still a lot to finalize before the launch of the product.


Finalise was originated from the old French finalisé and from Latin finis, which means the completion of a process. Finalise is a verb meaning to finish or complete the last details of, especially to bring something to an end. Moreover, It is quite often used in business or engineering contexts. For instance, Finalising the design of this bridge took four years, and the building couldn’t be sold until the title was finalised.

The verb to finalize was first recorded in 1906. Moreover, it is originated from the Latin word ‘finis,’ meaning to finish or end. It has Synonyms of words such as completion, finish, winding up, wrap up, and wind up. “Finalize” is primarily used in business at this time when it is used to describe the paperwork associated with a given situation. For instance, After completion of the essay, the teacher will finalize the grade.


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  2. https://ipu.repo.nii.ac.jp/?action=pages_view_main&active_action=repository_view_main_item_detail&item_id=578&item_no=1&page_id=13&block_id=21