Difference Between Formal Research and Informal Research (With Table)

Collecting data and information on a specific issue is what research entails. As well, research can be divided into two categories: formal research and informal research. It’s always crucial to decide how formal or rigorous a research study will be before starting one. Consequently, they are divided into two groups: formal research and informal research. Informal research is said to be the use of non-scientific methods to obtain and analyze data, whereas formal research is the use of a systematic method and scientific methodologies. In addition, the formal study is more impartial and unbiased than informal research.

Formal Research vs Informal Research

The main difference between Formal Research and Informal Research is that Formal Research is something related to studying any cause, effect, or reason in depth by using different scientific methods and approaches. On the other hand, Informal Research is said to be the research work where the study doesn’t require any in-depth study and does not include any scientific methodology or approach for completion. 

Formal research is described as a research methodology that requires the application of a scientific approach as well as a scientific method by the person performing it. Researchers that conduct this type of research put up their best effort and devote a significant amount of time to complete it and achieve accurate and precise results. 

Informal research is described as a method of study in which the researchers are not required to follow any scientific strategy or methodology to conduct the research. Even though informal research requires far less effort and time than formal research. 

Comparison Table Between Formal Research and Informal Research

Parameters of Comparison

Formal Research

Informal Research


It is related to the scientific method study

It is related to the non-scientific method used to perform research

Methods Used

Scientific method

Non-scientific method

Time and Effort

Excessive effort

Less effort


Objective and unbiased

Less objective and may be biased


It lists down the sources used

No listing of sources is required

Application of Finding

Applied to a large group

Applied to a small group

What is Formal Research?

Formal research is a type of study that is conducted using a scientific methodology and a methodical approach. A formal research study usually includes the following elements in the following order: abstract, topic introduction, literature review, research design employed, methodology, results, analysis, conclusion, and bibliography. Formal research, on the whole, is more scientific than informal research, and it aims to discover new knowledge or solve a problem. It always employs credible, up-to-date sources. A reference system is also utilized to compile the sources of information used in the research.

Researchers normally start a formal research study by formulating a hypothesis, which they then carefully examine. They also look into and examine the existing literature on their research topic. This permits students to look at the research topic from a variety of angles, recognizing the various issues that need to be addressed.

Formal research, in contrast to informal research, is more objective and unbiased. This is primarily because formal studies use scientific methodologies that require objective data. If the study includes participants, such as via surveys or interviews, the researcher must first secure their written consent. Furthermore, we can apply formal research findings to a broader audience.

What is Informal Research?

Informal research is the collection and analysis of data using non-scientific means. The findings of the study cannot be extended to a larger audience because it was conducted using non-scientific methods. The majority of us perform informal research regularly. Conducting a basic survey, conducting informal interviews with a target audience, soliciting feedback from colleagues, going through company files, and so on are all non-scientific techniques of acquiring data and hence forms of informal research.

Informal research does not necessitate a significant amount of time or effort. This usually entails simply going over some information or getting statistics. Let’s say someone is in the market for buying a new laptop. They will solicit feedback from their co-workers and may conduct research on laptop brands by visiting websites and reading reviews. Now, they will make a decision based on informal research. It’s crucial to note, however, that this data may be subjective. Furthermore, because this is informal research, they may not be concerned with the source of information.

Main Differences Between Formal Research and Informal Research

  1. Formal research is described as a research methodology in which scientific methods and approaches are utilized to conduct and analyze the sample, whereas informal research, on the other hand, is defined as a research methodology in which the use of non-science approaches or methods is not required. 
  2. Scientific technique and scientific approaches are employed informal study, whereas any non-scientific method or approach is used in informal research. 
  3. The time and effort expended during or in pursuit of any formal research are extremely frenetic and excessive, but the time and effort expended in completing any informal research are small or negligible. 
  4. The objectivity of formal research is mostly objective and impartial in nature, but the objectivity of informal research is less objective and may be skewed. 
  5. In formal research, it is necessary to mention all of the sources used to conduct or complete the research task; however, in informal research, there is no requirement for the individual to cite the sources used in the work completion. 
  6. The findings gained after the conclusion of any formal research can be applied to a broader group of sections. However, the findings received through informal research can only be applied to a small group of sections. 


To summarize the given topic, this can be concluded that research work is something much needed to validate any study or paperwork done or compiled by any researchers. Thus it is very crucial to obtain precise and accurate results from any research. Besides this, scientists have categorized the research into a broad category in two different ways that are – Formal Research and another is Informal Research.

Formal Research includes the method of performing any research in much systematic way and using appropriate scientific approaches along with different scientific methodology.

In contrast to this, Informal Research work includes the method of pursuing or conducting any research work without the use of any scientific approach or scientific methodology. Also, it uses less effort and time to complete, unlike Formal Research work.


  1. https://www.jstor.org/stable/40172261
  2. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/107179190000700307
  3. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03057269608560085?journalCode=rsse20
  4. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED306398