Difference Between Fruit Juice and Fruit Drink

Have you ever wondered what you are getting when you buy a fruit drink from the market? You may choose it over other colas thinking you are consuming something more wholesome and beneficial for your health but it is a fact that a vast majority of fruit drinks have nothing to do with the fruit that they claim to sell. On the other hand, a fruit juice is a freshly prepared drink from the pulp of a fruit and is certainly more beneficial for your health. There are more differences between a fruit juice and a fruit drink that will be discussed in this article.

Fruit Drink

There is another fact that seems puzzling. You must have seen the prices of fruit drinks to be same or even more than that of fruit juices which is surprising. Most of the so called fruit drinks contain nothing else other than sugar, color of the fruit and artificial flavor that is same as that of the real fruit juice. A few of the fruit drinks do contain a small percentage of juice of the fruit. They may even have some quantity of vitamins and minerals added, but they can never substitute for a fresh fruit juice that contains all the goodness of nature.

Fruit Juice

A freshly prepared or preserved fruit can is full of all the vitamins and minerals that the real fruit possesses such as vitamin A, vitamin B, potassium, magnesium and other macro nutrients that are considered very good for our health. It is true that kids do not like the taste of some fruits and thus they go for carbonated drinks that are full of sugar and soda making them harmful for health. But if you are in the market and feeling thirsty, it is prudent to look for the product that has word fruit juice written over the bottle or can. There are many other misleading terms used by manufacturers of these fruit drinks such as beverage, cocktail, delight etc that are suffixed with the word fruit to mislead consumers. But in reality, these drinks have no relation with the real fruit juice of the fruit that is prominently displayed on the bottle or the can.

Fruit juices are mostly sold freshly prepared and you get them in road side stalls or small shops but those that you find in malls and super store are pasteurized to kill bacteria and thus preserved to have a long shelf life.

In brief:

Fruit Juice vs Fruit Drink

• Fruit juice is a drink that is freshly prepared by mashing the pulp of the fruit while a fruit drink is a sugary solution that contains the color and flavor of the fruit but not the real fruit juice.

• Some fruit drinks do contain a little of the fruit juice but the rest is all flavor and color.

• Fruit juice is beneficial for our health while fruit drink may actually harm us.

• One should beware of misleading terms like drink, delight, punch or beverage that are used to lure customers.