Difference Between Future Value and Present Value (With Table)

There’s a common misconception that understanding the time worth of money is beyond the capabilities of small company owners. A company owner utilizes future value and present value all the time, whether he knows it or not. Money in your pocket now is worth more than the same amount earned in the future, according to this basic principle.

Future Value vs Present Value

The main difference between Future Value and Present Value is that the former refers to the value of future cash flows after a specific future time, while the latter refers to the present value of future cash flows. The future value of an amount of money is the worth of that quantity of money at a specific future date. This is a notional value. On the other hand, present value refers to the current value of future cash flows discounted at a special rate.

What an item or money will be worth at some point in the future is called its future value. Because this is a nominal value, there are no discount factors involved, and thus no inflation adjustments are made. According to the provided interest rate, this number approximates the entire profit from an investment.

The present value of future money streams at a particular return rate is the current worth of the money streams’ future sum. Present limiting future incomes at a foreordained rebate rate that yields the current worth. Financial backers utilize this worth to look at the revenues created from different resources over the long haul.

Comparison Between Future Value and Present Value

Parameters Of Comparison

Future Value

Present Value


It is characterized as the current worth of future incomes after a specific future time. This is the money related sum that will be gotten sometime not too far off.

The current worth of a future income is characterized as its present worth. It is basically the measure of cash in your ownership on the present date.

Time Frame

It is the asset’s or investment’s value at the conclusion of a certain time period.

It is the worth of a thing or speculation at the initiation of a time-frame.

Inflation Effect

It is included.

It is not included.

Rates Applicable

Only the interest rate is used when estimating future value.

Both the discount rate and the interest rate are included when computing the present value.


Compounding is utilized to decide the future worth of each income after a specific time span, and afterward these qualities are assembled to decide the speculation’s future worth.

When calculating the present value, the discount factor is used to determine the present value of each cash flow, and then all of these values are put together to get the investment’s current value.

What is Future Value?

The future value may be defined as the asset’s or cash’s value at a certain future date, and that amount will be equivalent in value to a specified quantity in the present. The future value formula is important in the world of finance. It serves as the foundation for the majority of key valuation methods used to determine the worth of a business. The DCF method is used to evaluate a business or any other order asset class that produces a given amount of cash and is anticipated to continue producing cash for a certain future time by discounting the cash flow that is predicted to be produced in the future.

The future worth of a thing or an amount of cash is the value of the resource or amount of money at a predefined future date. Since this is an apparent worth, it doesn’t contain any expansion changes. For example, there are no rebate factors included. This number is the best guess of the absolute profit from speculation dependent on a specific financing cost. The accompanying two formulae might be utilized to decide the future worth.

FV = PV (1+rt) for simple interest

FV = (1+i)t in the case of compound interest.

Where PV means Present Value, FV signifies Future Value, I signify Rate of Return, and t is Investment Period.

What is Present Value?

The current worth of a future measure of cash streams at a specific pace of return is its present worth. The current value of a resource might be determined by limiting future incomes at a special rate. This worth empowers financial backers to think about the revenues produced by resources over the long haul. The accompanying recipe might be utilized to decide the current worth of several cash streams.

PV = FV (1 + i)-n Present Value (or)

PV equals FV [1 (1 + i)n]

Where PV indicates Present Value, FV means Future Value, I signify Rate of Return, and n designates Investment Period.

The idea of present value is fundamental in finance. The value that is today’s present value is called the present value. Assume you made an investment of Rs 100 today at a 10% interest rate for a period of one year. When the year is over, the sum will be Rs110. The Rs 100 you are investing now is referred to as the present value of the Rs 110 you will have in the future. That which will be valuable in the future is what is referred to as future value. As a result, Rs 110 represents the 10% future worth of Rs 100. Investment choices are aided by current value when looking at present value. As a result, the present value is equal to the discounted future cash flows, which will occur at a discounted rate.

Main Differences Between Future Value and Present Value

  1. Because the future value is a predicted number, no one can depend on it completely because anything may happen in the future that will alter the predictions. On the other hand, present value is important since it is a more dependable number, one about which an analyst may be virtually confident
  2. The future worth of an income is characterized as the worth of the payment after a specific period later on, while the current worth of a settlement is described as its present worth..
  3. Inflation is not taken into account when calculating future values, but it is when calculating current values.
  4. Only interest is included when estimating future value. Nevertheless, while computing present value, both discount rate and interest are taken into account.
  5. Because future value indicates future profits from an investment, it plays a little part in investment decision-making. Present value enables investors to comprehend and decide whether to make or reject an investment.


In order to make critical investment choices, investors must weigh future values against current values. While the current worth decides the present price of future incomes, the future worth decides the benefits on future ventures after a specific period. An analyst may be virtually confident of the present value since it is a more dependable value. The present is thus more conducive to making decisions.

While this may seem unimportant, future value predictions are critical, since, without them, budget projections and asset assessments are impossible to create. However, since the future value is an estimate, no one should place too much trust in it because anything may happen in the future and change the estimates. There is a strong relationship between present value and future worth in finance.


  1. https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/261502
  2. https://www.elgaronline.com/downloadpdf/edcoll/9781788976862/9781788976862.00016.pdf