Difference Between Gas and Liquid

Gas vs Liquid

The things we see around us, living or non-living, are made up of matter. “Matter” can be defined as “any substance that has mass and occupies space.” Matter has different forms. There are three different forms of matter; solids, liquids, and gases. They are differentiated from each other depending upon some particular characteristic specific to each form which depends upon the molecules in the different forms of matter. The characteristics of each matter; solid, liquid, or gas depends upon the different force of attraction between these molecules. In this article we will discuss the differences between two forms of matter, liquids and gases. There are four main points of difference by which we can differentiate between liquids and gases at the most basic level; shape, volume, hardness, and the capacity to flow.

The molecules of liquids have a moderate force of attraction; the force between molecules is less than solids and more than gases. This results in the movement of molecules more easily and freely within liquids. The molecular movement results in liquids having a definite and fixed volume. Liquids take the shape of the container they are stored in as the molecules move to fill the space. They have no definite shape and have the ability to flow. Liquids can flow; thus, they are also called “fluid.” Liquids are not hard. When frozen they get hard. For example, when water is frozen below 0 degrees Celsius, it hardens into ice. Some examples of liquids are: water, oils, milk, juices, etc.

The molecules in gases have a very weak force of attraction between them and are very loosely packed. Thus they do not have a definite shape, and they take the shape of the container. Due to their molecular structure, gases do not have a definite volume also and become the volume of the container in which they are kept. Gases can flow easily; they can be shown simply by lighting incense. The smell of the incense travels from one part of the room to another. Gases are not hard. They can be compressed easily as they have a lot of space between the molecules. Some examples of gases are: water vapor, LPG, oxygen, carbon-dioxide, etc.


1.Liquids have less force of attraction between molecules than solids and more than gases; gases have a very weak force of attraction between the molecules which is the least amongst the three states of matter.
2.Liquids have definite volume; gases do not have definite volume.
3.Liquids cannot be compressed easily; gases can be compressed easily.