Difference Between Geico Car Insurance and State Farm (With Table)

Every individual thing requires a backup option so that it could be managed for a particular instance of time. Insurance also falls as a backup option for any problem or loss that could be financially or regarding anything. Car insurance can be related to any reimbursement of loss regarding the car so that the problem could be resolved. Generally, insurance is a kind of contract signed between the user and the company that is releasing the insurance.

Geico Car Insurance vs State Farm

The main difference between Geico car insurance and state farm is that Geico car insurance offers or provides insurance with discounts to a certain section of people like groups that belong to the corporate and military world. State farm holds new generation people like their insurance holders, therefore they focus on the young students and newbie drivers to provide offers on their insurance package.

The United States has many large and reputed insurance company and after the rank of state farm, it holds the second-largest position in the ranking. It is American-originated car insurance corporate in various parts of the united states. It has a huge grip in the united states starting from holding a huge number of policyholders to a large subsidiary that is owned.

State Farm is one of the largest insurance providers that comprise various insurance companies in different parts of the united states including its headquarters. It sanctions various insurances as per the needs of individuals including car, home, and various other types. Being having such a reputation in this field it holds its name and ranks in various prestigious rankings.

Comparison Table Between Geico Car Insurance and State Farm

Parameters of Comparison

Geico Car Insurance

State Farm

Section of people

It targets corporate groups and people related to the federal and military world.

It mainly has its focus on young generations including students and drivers who will have their interests. 

Originating year

Geico car insurance was established in the year of 1936.

State farm first originated its company in 1922.

Business bureau rating

Geico car insurance holds a business rating of A+.

The state farm did not achieve this rating.


This insurance can be found in a large number of states like some 50 states in the US.

The state farm is present in around 48 states in the united states.

Discount range

It holds various offer and discount percentages and is not fixed to any value.

It provides a percentage range of discount of around 30.

What is Geico Car Insurance?

Geico car insurance is a popular insurance company in the united states mainly focusing on the group of federal and corporate people. The full form of Geico is Government Employees Insurance Company. Their main focus is on a certain section of people. Through the research and study annually, Geico car insurance has low premium rates so that it is feasible for people and even it is considered to be cheaper among others. Due to their cheaper rates, it also ranked second in the list of cheapest car insurance rankings.

This insurance company provides great service to its customers as it provides insurance with proper policy and contract. This holds very high customer reviews that could be trusted easily. It follows certain policies on which it works like high customer reviews, good loyal for its insurance holders to create a strong impact on the market.

The insurance holds different rates of insurance for various sections of people depending on which section the individual belongs to and examining the situation to sanction the insurance. The discount ratio offered by Geico car insurance varies from condition to condition in every type of vehicle and group holding the insurance.

It follows certain advantages and disadvantages. The good part includes high customer satisfaction that leads them to upgrade in the market. Generally, it provides reasonable rates that lead to competition overall. But there is a certain hike in rates to certain fixed designation drivers.

What is State Farm?

State farm is recognized as a huge insurance provider of various types of insurance in the united states. It is the coagulation of many insurance corporates around the united states. Due to its popularity, it stands itself in the Fortuna ranking in the year 2019. Their products are restricted only to the company’s agents and they only receive rights to make them public in the market.

It follows many parameters including satisfaction of customers, smartly handling complaints to increase the loyalty of customers towards the company. Sixty-four percent ratio of individuals who did not use their insurance service were also pleased about their recognition in the market and the quality customer service that they provide.

The field that claims for handling is one of the weak and low scope areas in state farm insurance that leads to degradation of their ranking in this category. These figures are all a couple of percentage points in comparison with Geico, which makes the category’s next closest competitor.

The general rates of insurance are overall average and fair customer reviews which were found according to research. Some negative points include customer service may be variable among local agents and drivers with bad credit face hiked rates.

Main Differences Between Geico Car Insurance and State Farm

  1. Geico car insurance was originated in 1936 while state farm originated in the year 1922.
  2. Geico car insurance offers a certain amount of discounts to a group of individual that belongs to corporate and military but state farms looks upon the young generation and the students.
  3. Geico car insurance can be found around 50 states in the united states whereas state farm holds its reach approximately in 48 states of the country.
  4. The range of cost for Geico car insurance sums up to 8.5 while in the state farm it lowers to 8.0 in general.
  5. In the business rating, Geico car insurance achieves A+ but state farm did not achieve such milestone rating.


Geico car insurance and the state farm are the two car insurance provider company in the united states having their specific policies and ideologies which ranks them as the largest provider in such a competitive market. Geico car insurance mainly focuses on the corporate and military section of people by offering discounts in their packages with average rates and overall good reviews of customers.

State farm targets the new generation that is coming up which includes young drivers and students and it has great customer service. The main distinction between the two is their difference in target audiences and various discounts and insurances they provide.


  1. https://digitalcommons.law.uidaho.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4299&context=idaho_supreme_court_record_briefs
  2. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/journalismstuad/4/