Difference Between Generalist and Specialist

The key difference between generalist and specialist is that generalist species can thrive in a wide variety of environmental conditions and eat a variety of foods while specialist species can thrive only on a narrow range of environmental conditions and has a limited diet.

In ecology, species are classified into two groups as generalists and specialists. This classification is based on the food they eat and the habitats they live in. Generalist species can eat a variety of foods. They can also live under a wide range of environmental conditions. Therefore, they thrive in a range of habitats. In contrast, specialist species have a limited diet. They need strict habitat requirements. Therefore, they are unable to adapt to changing environmental conditions.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is a Generalist 
3. What is a Specialist
4. Similarities Between Generalist and Specialist
5. Side by Side Comparison – Generalist vs Specialist in Tabular Form
6. Summary

What is a Generalist?

Generalist species is a species that can eat a wide variety of foods and thrive in a wide variety of environmental conditions. They can live in a range of habitats. They can also use a variety of different resources. When the environmental conditions are changing, generalist species are able to adapt easily.

Figure 01: Generalist Species – Raccoons

Generally, generalist species are omnivores. Their diet is a varied diet. Raccoons are a good example of generalist species. Raccoons are omnivores, and their diet includes berries, insects such as butterflies, eggs, and various small animals. Moreover, raccoons live in a very large area.

What is a Specialist?

A specialist species is a species that can thrive only in a narrow range of environmental conditions or has a limited diet. Generally, specialists are herbivores. They require a certain type of foods. A good example of specialist species is a koala. Koala feeds only on eucalyptus leaves. Another example is pandas. Pandas have a specific niche, and they eat only bamboo. There are also specialist plant species that require a narrow range of temperature, soil conditions and precipitation. Cactus is one example.

Figure 02: Specialist Species – Koala

Environmental changes strongly affect specialist species. They cannot easily adapt to changing environmental conditions as generalists. Hence, the number of specialist species in the environment drastically decline due to climate changes and human activities.

What are the Similarities Between Generalist and Specialist?

  • Generalist and specialist are two categories of species based on the food and habitat requirements.

What is the Difference Between Generalist and Specialist?

Generalist species is a species that eats a variety of foods and thrives in a range of habitats. Specialist species, on the other hand, is a species that has a limited diet and thrives in a narrow range of environmental conditions. So, this is the key difference between generalist and specialist. Furthermore, as generalist species thrive in a wide range of environmental conditions, they are able to easily adapt to changing environmental conditions. In contrast, specialist species thrive only a narrow range of environmental conditions. Hence, they cannot easily adapt to changing environmental conditions.

Moreover, generalists eat a variety of foods, while specialists have a limited diet. Another difference between generalist and specialist is that generalist species are generally omnivores while specialist species are herbivores.

Below infographic shows more details of the difference between generalist and specialist.

Summary – Generalist vs Specialist

Generalist and specialist are two categories of species living in ecosystems. Generalist species can eat a wide variety of food and can live under a wide range of environmental conditions. Therefore, they live in a range of habitats. In contrast, specialist species only eat certain types of food. Moreover, they need strict habitat requirements. They cannot adapt to changing environmental conditions. Thus, this summarizes the difference between generalist and specialist.