Difference Between Generation Y and Generation Z (With Table)

The difference between Generation Y and Generation Z is that Gen Z grew up with smartphones and social media, so they’re more tech-savvy and more accustomed to instant gratification.

Generation Y, or Millennials, were born between 1980 and 1994. Generation Z is those born between 1995 and 2015. While there are no precise dates for when Generation X starts or ends, the generation is generally considered to consist of people born from the early 1960s up until the 1980s.

Generation Y vs Generation Z

The difference between Generation Y and Generation Z is that Generation Y refers to those born between 1981 and 1996. On the other hand, Generation Z is made up of people who were born between 1997 and 2012. Generation Y is also known as Millenials, whereas Generation Z is the iGen generation.

Generation Y refers to people born sometime between the early 1980s to the mid-1990s to early 2000s. Generation X’s generation before them currently ranges from 37-to 48 years. Millennials are another name for this group of people. 

People born between 1997 and 2012 make up the Gen Z generation, often known as the iGen or Centennials. This makes them the youngest generation in the workforce today. While it’s common for older generations to refer to Millennials as being young, many of these same older generations may see Gen Z as being just that: too young to understand what they’re doing or what they want. This can be frustrating for those in Gen Z looking to be taken seriously at work.

Comparison Table Between Generation Y and Generation Z

Parameters of Comparison

Generation Y

Generation Z

Year born

Generation Y is generally born Between 1981 to 1996.

Generation Z is usually born Between 1997 to 2012.


Even though Generation Y is learning to support, they are still stereotyped in some world areas.

Generation Z wants to make a difference globally; thus, the mainstream and support everything.


Financially, some members of Generation Y are struggling.

From an early age, Generation Z has been financially self-sufficient.


Generation Y experienced the birth of the internet and other digital technologies, such as social media, and their rise to prominence.

Technology has always been a part of Generation Z’s upbringing.

Also known as 

Millennials are also referred to as Generation Y.

Generation Z is also known as the iGen generation or the Centennials.

What is Generation Y?

Generation Y or Millennials are people born roughly between 1980 and 1995. They are the generation that follows Generation X. This is a generation often misunderstood by older generations.

The generation is also known as the Internet or Net Generation because many grew up with a computer in the house and have always been used to having technology close by.

Millennials have been credited with reshaping industries like retail, food, hospitality, and media as they have come of age due to their tech-savviness, desires, and dislikes. As young people continue to grow older and find themselves in leadership positions, their preferences will likely shape many other industries as well.

Millennials have grown up with the internet, and they generally answer emails fast and use their phones while watching TV or talking with friends.

Because they grew up with technology, millennials are more likely to be tech-savvy and prefer using text messages, Facebook, and Twitter instead of phone calls or emails. Millennials tend to spend a significant amount of time on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter and are very comfortable using computers and other new gadgets.

What is Generation Z?

The Gen Z generation comprises people born between 1997 and 2012. They are the first generation to be raised in a world where technology is everywhere, and they were often left to their own devices as young children.

The oldest members of this generation are about to enter the workforce and apply for jobs within the next few years. This means that businesses need to start preparing for how they will relate to this new group of employees.

Here are a few things that businesses need to know about Gen Z:

  • They have grown up with social media, so they’re more likely to share their opinions online than other generations might be. This could be good or bad for your business, depending on those opinions.
  • They aren’t as interested in email as earlier generations expected instant gratification, which means you may want to invest more time in your social media accounts than you previously have.
  • They have high expectations for quality customer service because they have been able to compare companies online from an early age, so you’ll want to make sure that your company is putting its best foot forward on all fronts at all times.
  • They don’t want a traditional job — instead, they want meaningful work with flexible hours and opportunities for advancement.

Main Differences Between Generation Y and Generation Z 

  1. Generation Y is made up of people born between 1981 and 1996, whereas Generation Z is made up of people born between 1997 and 2012.
  2. Generation Y witnessed the advent of the internet and other digital technologies like social media and their rise to popularity, whereas Generation Z has grown up with technology.
  3. In certain parts of the world, even though Generation Y is learning to help, they are still stigmatized. However, Generation Z wants to impact the world positively; thus, they embrace and support everything.
  4. Generation Y is more open-minded towards religion in general, but Generation Z is primarily atheist and has no distinct viewpoint.
  5. Some members of Generation Y are struggling financially; however, Generation Z has been financially self-sufficient since childhood.


Generation Y is a group that has been heavily influenced by technological advancements, resulting in a more diverse set of skills than previous generations. They are also known as “digital natives” because they’re the first generation to grow up with technology at their fingertips truly.

Generation Z is likely to be even more comfortable with technology than Gen Y was — after all, they’ve never known a world without it. And for this reason, there’s no telling what kind of impact Gen Z will have on the future of technology and its applications.


  1. https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=737237
  2. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/view/4247