Difference Between Ghosts and Demons

There is a common belief that demons are fallen angels and ghosts are dead humans. This theory is the core of difference between the ghosts and demons. Demons do not have earthly origin and hence they are considered to possess stronger powers than ghosts. But, why is it so that the ghosts are not as powerful as the demons? It certainly depends on what one believes. Demons are considered as fallen angels and hence their power is expected to be higher than the average ghosts or dead human.

Normally, it is presumed that the ghosts do not have any influence on good-and-bad balance in the society. But, demons do have such influence. Demons are intensely ingrained in mythology and religion and hints of their presence is felt from the time of the ancient Sumerians. There are several stories about demons and their possession ability. Demons are said to have the power to inhabit human as well as animal bodies. If someone got sick, Sumerians used to believe that the sickness was due to possession by ‘sickness demons.’ People used to pray to God to get protected from demons and some even used to perform exorcism to get rid of demons. Humans are believed to have no control over possession by demon. In case of ghosts, it is believed that humans, psychics or certain other medium, can channel out ghost’s influence from human body.

The stories of demons and angels are not new. We all grew up listening stories about the existence of what we say demons, angels or ghosts. We have developed certain mindset about them and based on that we tend to answer queries regarding the existence of these supernatural power holders. Many of us believe that demons, angels and ghosts co exists along with us. If something happens beyond our logical thinking ability, we term it as tricks or miracles of ghosts or demons. Demons and ghosts play the tricks while the angles do miracles. However, the impact of the ghosts’ tricks is expected to be less than that of demons as the later is considered as more powerful.

Even humans can also do tricks and miracles sometimes. Sometimes we do certain things that we never thought of pulling it out. Considering this fact it can be said that ghosts, who were once humans, can also be like the demons or angels. They can go down or rise up into either nature. A child, loved by everyone when she was alive, can become angel if she comes back on earth for lifting the spirits of her most loved ones. On the other hand, a person who has gone through very sore situation can come back and do demonic activities.

At the end, we can presume that ghosts might exist, but they do not affect minds and body directly. Demons are however held liable for several dreadful things in society since ages. Whether the demons or ghosts are real or not is something that invokes debate without any definite answer.

Summary- The concept of ghosts and demons are entirely based on human beliefs. Generally, it is believed that demons are fallen angels and ghosts are deceased human.