Difference Between GHz and MHz (With Table)

Both these units are used to measure clock speed or the rate at which a processor can complete one cycle. GHz is the greater unit that measures clock speed in billions, while MHz is the smaller unit used in measuring the millions of clock cycles in a processor. Thus, one GHz is equal to 109 hertz, while one MHz is equal to 106 hertz.

GHz vs MHz

The main difference between GHz and MHz is that while GHz is the unit of frequency used to measure the billions of cycles completed per second in a computer processor, MHz is the unit of frequency used to measure the millions of cycles completed in a microprocessor per second.

Comparison Table Between GHz and MHz

Parameters of Comparison




GHz is defined as the unit of frequency that is used to measure the billions of cycles completed per second in a processor, where one GHz is equal to 109 hertz.

MHz is defined as the frequency unit used to measure the millions of cycles completed per second, where one MHz is equal to 106 hertz.

Full Form

GHz stands for Gigahertz.

MHz stands for Megahertz.


1 GHz is equivalent to 109 hertz.

1 MHz is equivalent to 106 hertz.


GHz is the frequency used to measure the processing power of home or office computers.

MHz is the frequency used to measure the processing power of microprocessors.

Number of Cycles Per Second

One GHz is mathematically equal to one billion cycles per second.

One MHz is mathematically equal to one million cycles per second.

Alternative usage

GHz is used to measure the frequency of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth networks.

MHz is used to measure the frequency of cordless telephones, radio waves, TV broadcasting, spread spectrum signals, etc.


I GHz is 1000 times greater than 1 MHz.

I MHz is 1000 times smaller than 1 GHz.

What is GHz?

Gigahertz or GHz is the unit of measuring the frequency of cycles completed by a processor per unit time. These periodic cycles are also commonly known as clock speed. The unit Hertz was named after the renowned German scientist Heinrich Hertz.

GHz measures clock speed in billions, thus, one gigahertz is equal to 1,000,000,000 hertz. One GHz is also commonly represented as a factor of 10, such that:

1 GHz = 109

It can also be converted into the lower measuring unit of megahertz. The relationship between the two units can be summoned as:

1 GHz = 1,000 MHz

GHz is commonly implicated in measuring the synchronic clock cycle frequencies of CPUs. As gigahertz is indicative of the speed of the processor, the greater the GHz measurement, the faster the computer. However, there are other factors that affect the speed of a computer including components like software design and disc performance.

What is MHz? 

Hertz is the unit used to measure the number of cycles of an oscillating body. The abbreviation MHz connotes Megahertz. MHz is the unit of measurement used to calculate the frequency of millions of clock time cycles completed per unit time.

It is a common Hertz multiplier used to calculate the periodic cycles of a microprocessor. One MHz is mathematically equivalent to 1,000,000 hertz. 1 MHz can also be represented as 106 hertz. `

A value in MHz can also be converted to GHz. However, one has to remember that megahertz is a smaller unit of measurement than gigahertz.  Hence, megahertz is related to gigahertz in the following way:

1000 MHz = 1 GHz

MHz is commonly used to measure the frequency of microprocessors. It is also infrequently used to measure radio waves, television broadcasting, bandwidths of hi-speed digital data transmissions, etc. MHz is frequently used to measure spread spectrum signals.

Main Differences Between GHz and MHz

  1. The main difference between the GHz and MHz is that while both measure the number of cycles per second in a processor, One GHz is equivalent to 109 hertz, while one MHz is equivalent to 106 hertz. Hence, GHz measures the billions of cycles completed per second, while MHz measures the millions of cycles completed per second.
  2. The full form of each abbreviation is also different. The abbreviation MHz connotes Megahertz, while GHz stands for Gigahertz.
  3. Both these units are used to measure the processing power of computers. While GHz is used to measure the processing power of office and household computers, MHz is used to measure the processing power of much smaller microprocessors.
  4. Cordless telephones, radio waves, and television broadcasting bandwidths operate in the MHz range, while Bluetooth and Wi-Fi networks operate in the GHz range.
  5. One MHz is equal to one million cycles completed per second, while one GHz connotes the billions of cycles completed per second.
  6. The relationship between the two concepts can also be viewed as a point of difference when analyzed from each side. As a larger unit of measurement, GHZ is 1000 times greater than MHz. Conversely, 1 MHz is 1000 times smaller than 1 unit of GHz.


Gigahertz and Megahertz are both used as clock speed measurement units. They have very similar uses as both these units are used to measure the cyclical frequencies of processors, electromagnetic waves, frequency of sound waves, etc. However, they also have certain very conspicuous differences.

One GHz is mathematically equivalent to 109 hertz. It is a relatively greater unit of measurement than MHz, as it measures the billions of cycles completed by the processor per unit time. Contrarily, 1 MHz is mathematically equivalent to 106 hertz. As a unit of measurement, it is 1000 times smaller than GHz. MHz measures the millions of cycles completed by a processor per unit time.

Each unit is used to measure the strength of different processors. MHz is mostly used to understand the cycles of microprocessors and the spread spectrum signals, while GHz is used to measure the cyclical frequencies of processors installed in the home and office computers. The latter unit is also used to measure Wi-Fi bandwidths.

These variances need to be noted as they can make a significant difference while evaluating the strength of processors as well as selecting an appropriate computer for one’s desired use.


  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021979786903085
  2. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7347979/