Difference Between Gibson and Epiphone

Gibson vs Epiphone

Nowadays, guitars are very in-demand musical instruments. These devices are used in a variety of ensembles to create one harmonious musical sound, or they can be used as a solo instrument. Nevertheless, guitars come in various types or brands, as well as many colors. Two guitar names are constantly being hunted by buyers. These are the Gibson and the Epiphone.

To make things clear, there is an existing Gibson Company that makes the actual gibson guitars, and there is an Epiphone Company that manufactures epiphone guitars. These types of guitars are not limited to their original manufacturers, because they can also be made by other equipment manufacturers, like Samick and Yamaha.

Nevertheless, most guitarists agree, that the Gibson guitar is practically the better guitar type, because it makes use of finer woods, good pickups, and just the right hardware. The Gibson is often dubbed as the guitar of choice. The combination of these features make the Gibson produce a remarkable dark tone, or sound quality, especially if these electric guitars are connected to an amplifier. All guitarists can immediately distinguish that the Gibson sound is truly exceptional. Overall, this guitar has become a status symbol. To own one, would mean that you have style, class and the money to buy such an expensive instrument.

On the contrary, epiphones are generally made in countries outside of the United States. A good example is the ephiphone industry in Korea, where the cost of operations is low, and the overall selling price of the guitar becomes relatively cheaper. As mentioned, Gibson make use of better woods for their guitars, but the epiphones are usually made of low-class wood. These woods either possess poor resonance, or have inferior aesthetics, not to mention they produce a lighter musical tone. Most epiphones are also created with thin maple tops, as opposed to their Gibson counterpart, that has thick slabs as the guitar’s top.

1. Gibson guitars are practically manufactured in the US, while epiphones are made outside of the US, or overseas.

2. Gibsons are more expensive than epiphones.

3. Gibsons produce better sound because they are made of the best types of woods, whereas epiphones are almost always mediocre in sound quality when placed side by side with the Gibson class. This doesn’t mean that the latter is a really a hopeless guitar, for it can be good in a practical sense, considering its lower cost.

4. Gibsons use thick slabs for their tops, whereas epihpones use very thin veneer tops, usually made of maple.