Difference Between Global Warming and Globalization (With Table)

Global warming and globalization are two concepts that are almost polar apart from one another but still, there are certain people who confuse these concepts in the place of one another because of the inclusion of the term global in both of these. However, the differences between these two terms can easily be listed down. 

Global Warming vs Globalization 

The main difference between global warming and globalization is that the former happens to be a geographical phenomenon in which the usual temperature of the earth rises due to certain factors. But on the other hand, the latter refers to an economic phenomenon in which the general barriers of economic trade between countries are relieved in order to facilitate economic activities. 

The term global warming basically represents a shift in the climate culture of a particular area in which the usual temperature of the place rises and keeps on rising for a very long. It has been noticed in the world for the past two centuries, and since then, steps have been taken to curb it. This happens due to many climatic and other reasons, and it can turn into a disaster if not controlled timely.  

But on the other hand, globalization is also in the concept that happens on the world level but entails completely different characteristics as to global warming. By globalization, it is meant that the world is now becoming more and more similar in terms of economy, technology, and many other aspects.  

Comparison Table Between Global Warming and Globalization 

Parameters of Comparison 

Global Warming  



It refers to a climatic phenomenon in which the usual temperature rises. 

It refers to more of an economical or cultural phenomenon in which the world becomes more uniform. 


Human activities are the indirect cause behind this phenomenon.  

Human activities are the direct and consequential cause behind this phenomenon. 


Usually, the effect of this phenomenon happens to be negative. 

The effect can be negative or positive depending upon circumstances. 


The nature of this phenomenon is climatic and geographical. 

The nature of this phenomenon is socioeconomic. 

Relation to human will 

Humans are not directly responsible for this phenomenon as they do not intend to achieve it. 

Humans are directly responsible as they intend to achieve globalization and accordingly work for it. 

What is Global Warming? 

The term global warming refers to a climactic, scientific, or geographical phenomenon that is set to be caused whenever the normal and usual temperature of the art starts rising. In the past three centuries, this phenomenon has been observed at a very large scale, and it is anticipated to leave harmful impressions upon the global population of people as well as animals and birds.  

It is said that this phenomenon is usually caused due to human activities, but no human activity is intentionally directed towards achieving this phenomenon, and indirectly, the effect is caused. However, apart from human-induced reasons, certain natural reasons might also be there behind the rise of this phenomenon.  

But still, certain major reasons can be traced, such as deforestation, excessive use of automobiles, excessive use of chlorofluorocarbon, industrial development at a very fast pace, agriculture and, overpopulation. And in the list of natural causes, volcanoes, water vapor, melting permafrost, and forest blazes can be counted. As a result of this particular phenomenon, the temperature rises to a very large extent and eventually poses a threat to the entire ecosystem. 

What is Globalization? 

The world comprises many countries containing different cultures and ethnicities, and whenever these cultures and ethnicities interact with one another in terms of economy or other aspects of life, a particular socio-economic phenomenon known as globalization is set to occur.  

In other words, it can be defined as a process in which the world decides to become more similar and decides to bring more uniformity in different aspects of life via interacting with different cultures apart from one’s own culture. Globalization takes place in many aspects, and the most prominent one among all those aspects happens to be economic globalization, in which many countries decide to bring together a revolution in the economic activities belonging to those countries. 

Usually, this phenomenon is achieved via constant efforts of the human population towards this direction, but sometimes there may be negative impacts of this particular phenomenon if it is not carried out in an effective manner. But in a nutshell, this phenomenon is basically a revolutionary step in the human population. 

Main Differences Between Global Warming and Globalization 

  1. Global warming refers to a climatic condition, while on the other hand, globalization refers to a socio-economic condition. 
  2. Global warming is usually caused by indirect human actions, but globalization is caused by direct human actions. 
  3. Global warming is said to be caused when the usual temperature of a place keeps on rising, but globalization is set to be caused when the world decides to be more uniform in certain socioeconomic aspects. 
  4. Global warming usually has negative impacts, but globalization can be both positive and negative depending on circumstances. 
  5. The human population does not make direct attempts in order to achieve global warming, but the population makes direct attempts in order to achieve globalization. 


Both global warming and globalization happened to affect the general public all across the world, but it cannot be said that these concepts are interrelated because the disciplines in which these concepts operate are completely different, and there is a difference in the consequences and causes of these concepts as well. On one side, global warming is a climatic condition, but on the other side, globalization is more of an economic or cultural condition.  

These two might sound the same but entail completely different characteristics, and it becomes very crucial to differentiate between these two concepts as they contain two of the most prominent concepts of the 21st century. Conclusively it can be said that both of these concepts are different from one another but can be complementary to each other in certain cases due to the effect on the global public. 


  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=REBRDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP2&dq=globalization&ots=gombWUUUAA&sig=EPqFRN8-FujYtC5F2zomZhbA2GQ 
  2. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0034-4885/68/6/R02/meta