Difference Between God and Allah

God vs Allah

Religion is a very controversial topic to discuss especially between Islam and Christianity. Devout followers of both faiths have claimed supremacy over the other which is why throughout history; many scholars and experts have tried to breakdown the difference between God and Allah.

First, analysis of each name reveals a difference in meaning based from their language of origin. God is said to be rooted from the Sanskrit word ‘hu’ which means to call upon or invoke. Allah, on the other hand, is rooted from the Arabic ‘al’ which means ‘the’ and ‘ilah’ which means deity or god. But despite clear variation, both names basically refer to a very powerful being that can be called upon for help.

The next point to be analyzed is their behavior as recorded in accounts found in the Bible and Koran. God proclaims salvation through unconditional faith by his followers and through the sacrifice o f his son Jesus. Allah promises deliverance to followers who do good deeds as outlined in their holy book the Koran.

Christians worship three incarnations of God that is known as the Holy Trinity; the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit. Muslims know only of one Supreme Being and that is Allah. There is also a big difference in how God and Allah see those who sin. God can forgive those who go against him while Allah is a bit strict and wants those who sin be punished accordingly.

God also allowed his prophets to perform miraculous acts in his behalf as a form of persuasion for skeptics. The Muslim prophet Muhammad wasn’t required by Allah to do the same. But perhaps the most critical aspect in which these two deities differ from each other is how their followers can gain entry into heaven or paradise. God does not allow sinners into his fold unless they repent and wash their sins through Jesus. Allah determines entrance into paradise through th e gravity of a person’s sin. Minor offenses are treated lightly but big sins mean eternal damnation.

There are other points where both religions meet and veer away from each other. But no matter what their differences are, both deities play vital roles in the moral values of the society and civilization as a whole.


1. The word God has a different meaning with Allah ‘“ God means to invoke or call upon while Allah means deity or god.

2. God promises salvation to those who believe in him while Allah wants his followers to do good deeds to save their souls.

3. God has three representations; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit while Allah is the lone god every Muslim must worship.

4. God preaches forgiveness against sin while Allah wants his followers who sin be punished.

5. God shows his presence through miracles while Allah doesn’t.

6. God will only allow sinne rs in heaven when they repent and pray through Jesus. Allah allows those with minor sins to enter paradise.