Difference Between GPL and LGPL


To understand the difference between GPL and LGPL you have to understand the basic idea of open source software. GPL is basically the legal terminology that makes open source software what it is. Since you have access to the codes through open source software, you are permitted to make changes, improve it, and create your own twist to it. However, in exchange for being allowed to do so, it is your obligation to make sure that others can benefit from your ideas and changes by making them available to all open source software users.

Linux is the most well-known open source software that applies GPL. GPL stands for General Public License. LGPL is like an amended version of GPL. It stands for Lesser General Public License. It limits your requirement to provide some of your code, but you still are required to divulge the modifications that you implement. What you are permitted to keep private is the proprietary material that you directly link to the software. This allows you change the software, create your own personal twist, and still protect your own material.

LGPL is not designed for the same use as GPL. The use of LGPL is limited to software libraries and similar set ups. GPL can be used to run files designed for execution, whether you’re developing a business site for profit, or you’re simply linking information together in new ways.

GPL is beneficial to the entire programming community. As new developments are created or added, everyone can learn something new. It is a consistent method of creating a new edge in the education and application of software programs.

If you apply an LGPL program and you do not benefit through derivative work, you can simply choose your distribution throughout many terms. Through the translation of section 3 of the license and agreement you can actually go ahead and use LGPL as a non-derivative work, and then change the terms according to the GPL. This allows you to use the software for a derivative work, although you have to check the terms closely to ensure that policies haven’t recently changed.


1. GPL requires that you provide the code for all changes made to the software.

2. GPL is the basis of open source software for programmers.

3. LGPL is used for software libraries, versus the execution files of GPL.

4. GPL offers a wide range of potential improvements for the entire programming community.

5. LGPL has the potential to be transferred into GPL terms.