Difference Between Green Berets and Rangers

Green Berets vs Rangers

Green Berets and Rangers are part of the Special Operations Forces of the United States Army.

Green Berets are the actual U.S. Army Special Operations Forces. Unlike the Rangers, the Green Berets are trained in unconventional warfare. Apart from this, the Green Berets are also trained for guerrilla warfare, subversion, and sabotage. The Green Berets have six main tasks missions: unconventional warfare, special reconnaissance, foreign internal defense, hostage rescue, counter terrorism, and direct action. “De Oppresso liber” meaning “To Liberate the Oppressed” is the official motto of the Green Berets.

Army Rangers, which was originally formed as a special force, is now used as a rapid deployment force. U.S. Rangers with the motto “ Rangers Lead the Way” is a light infantry unit that performs almost all the duties of the Green Berets. The U.S. Rangers have many roles like airborne/air assaults, raids, direct action operations, recovery of personnel and special equipment, and airfield seizure.

When comparing the two forces, the U.S. Rangers are a few steps behind the Green Berets.

In training, the Green Berets have to undergo tough training when compared to the U.S. Rangers. Any 18-year-old male can apply to become a part of the U.S. Rangers. But for becoming a part of the Green Berets, they can only apply after serving at least three years in the Army.

The Green Berets do not just fight always like the U.S. Rangers. Unlike the Rangers, the Green Berets go behind the army lines and even train foreign forces. They take direct action on terrorist hideouts.
Some of the operations that U.S. Rangers have engaged in are: Operation Eagle Claw (Iran, 1980), Operation Urgent Fury (Grenada, 1983), Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm (Persian Gulf, 1991), Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan, 2001) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (Iraq, 2003).

Some of the operations that the Green Berets have engaged in are: Cold War (South East Asia, 1961), El Salvador (1980), Operation Just Cause (Panama, 1989), Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm (Persian Gulf, 1991), Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan, 2001) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (Iraq, 2003).


1.Green Berets are the actual U.S. Army Special Operations Forces.
2.Army Rangers, which was originally formed as a special force, is now used as a rapid deployment force. U.S. Rangers is a light infantry unit that performs almost all the duties of the Green Berets.
3.The Green Berets have six main task missions: unconventional warfare, special reconnaissance, foreign internal defense, hostage rescue, counter terrorism, and direct action.
4.The U.S. Rangers have many roles like: airborne/air assaults, raids, direct action operations, recovery of personnel and special equipment, and airfield seizure.