Difference Between Gut Health and Mental Health (With Table)

Health is wealth. We have heard this idiom from our very childhood. And this wealth, aka health, depends on various organs of our bodies. Gut health and mental health are two such aspects that come together to keep us prosperous and strong.

Gut Health vs Mental Health

The main difference between gut health and mental health is that gut health is related to the stomach, and mental health is related to the mind. Gut health makes sure our body gets the nutrients equally, and mental health makes sure our hormones are balanced, and our sanity is intact.

Gut health is in charge of breaking down the food we eat and make them simple in form so it can enter the bloodstreams and flow to the whole body, delivering nourishment. Poor gut health leads to various stomach and gastrointestinal problems.

Mental health keeps our mind in check. Mental health disorders tend to leave an effect on our mood and personality and also disrupt the balance of hormones. Stress and anxiety leave many complications in our existence and also affect our health in a harmful manner.

Comparison Table Between Gut Health and Mental Health

Parameters of Comparison

Gut Health

Mental Health


Gut health refers to the functions and balance of good bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.

Mental health suggests cognitive and emotional well-being.


Gut health dwells in The gastrointestinal tract.

Mental health’s territory is in mind.


Gut health plays an important role in digestion and boosting the immune system.

Healthy mental health keeps our psychological and social life positively active.


Compromised gut health can lead to various gastrointestinal problems.

Jeopardized mental health leads to disturbed social and psychological existence.


Diseases like inflammatory bowel diseases, obesity, liver diseases, chronic heart diseases, diabetes, and cancer can happen due to poor gut health.

Diseases like chronic depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety disorder, and developmental disorders can be traced to mental health disorders.

What is Gut Health?

Gut health refers to the functions and balance of bacteria of all the parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Physical state and physiologic function is kept intact by gut health. The stomach, intestines and oesophagus serve together to digest the food we intake. For this reason, it is important to have decent gut health.

All the food we eat is finally broken down in the gut. It turns into a simple form that can easily penetrate the bloodstream and distribute all the nutritious elements to the whole body. To run this process uninterruptedly, a healthy gut or digestive system is mandated. Healthy bacteria and immune cells stay in the gut that kills bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Healthy gut health keeps the whole body healthy. Gut health is responsible for being in touch with the brain, and the gut does it with the help of nerves and hormones. Gut health is partially responsible for healthful general well-being.

For good gut health, we must take some measures. Our food choices are the most accountable for our gut health. Fried food, alcohol and caffeine should be taken within a limit as all these food items cause gastrointestinal problems. Sufficient sleep is necessary for gut health. Regular exercise also has a positive effect on gut health.

What is Mental Health?

Mental health suggests cognitive and emotional well-being. Mental health affects our lifestyle, behaviour, social relationships, and, moreover, our physical health. Unwell physical health can partake in mental health disturbances. According to WHO, mental health is not merely the absence of mental disorders or disabilities. It is more than just that. Healthy mental health is essential for an individual to lead a happy life. Anyone is likely to get a mental health disorder.

Taking care of one’s mental health is necessary as this has a huge offering on a person’s life. To a great extent, lifestyle and life choices depend on our mental health. Disturbed mental health disrupts a person’s daily routine. Stress, anxiety and depression are hostiles for mental health.

Various types of treatments can be used to recover mental health problems. There is no fixed pattern of treatments as the effectiveness of treatments varies from person to person. Psychotherapy or talking therapies are some of the most popular treatments for mental health problems. In some cases, patients take prescribed medications. A professional is needs to identify the requirement of the perfect treatment.

To enjoy healthy mental health, an individual can take a few small measures, such as having a balanced, healthy diet filled with all the indispensable nutrition, getting adequate sleep, reducing alcohol, meditation etc.

Main Differences Between Gut Health and Mental Health

  1. Gut health is the various process and functions of different organs in the gastrointestinal tract, whereas mental health suggests the cognitive and emotional well-being of an individual.
  2. On the one hand, Gut health plays an important role in digestion and boosting the immune system. And on the other hand, mental health keeps our psychological and social life positively active.
  3. Gut health is the various organs such as mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus working without any issue while mental health’s territory the sanity of the mind, and balancing of the hormones.
  4. Neglected gut health can lead to various gastrointestinal problems. And disturbed mental health leads to various mental illnesses.
  5. Gut health is related to physical activities, whereas mental health is related to emotional and cognitive activities.


Both gut health and mental health is required to fit and healthy in order to have an overall healthy mind and body. Both the health conditions are related to each other and influence each other. Gut health is connected to the brain through hormones, and mental health plays a vital part in releasing hormones. Many hormones are found in the gastrointestinal tract as well. To keep a body active and prosperous, one needs to maintain both gut health and mental health efficiently as one damaged health condition can affect the other.


  1. https://www.mdpi.com/2039-7283/7/4/987
  2. https://journals.lww.com/psychosomaticmedicine/Fulltext/2017/10000/Brain_Gut_Microbiota_Axis_and_Mental_Health.12.aspx