Difference Between Gynecology and Obstetrics

Gynecology vs. Obstetrics

Gynecology and obstetrics are terms that people may not notice to define and differentiate. Some people even interchange their functions and roles in the field of health. Although people won’t give much importance to its differences, it is considered to be a basic knowledge for a person, especially for women, to know its disparity because it will guide them as to whom they’ll be able to seek for assistance in terms of health issues. In some areas in this world, they don’t even give the two fields any difference such as what they practice in India. Both fields deal with the care of women, but a certain distinction differentiates them from each other.

Gynecology, or for other languages it is termed as gynaecology, came from the Greek word “gyneaikos” which means “woman.” On the other hand, obstetrics came from the Latin word “obstare” which means “to stand by.” Gynecology is the medical field of practice where the primary focus of its function is the female reproductive system which includes the vagina, uterus, ovaries, and other reproductive accessory organs that contributes to its functions for the homeostasis of the body. It is said to be the science of women which explains its focus. Whereas obstetrics is a medical specialty of practice in accordance with the principle of taking care of the reproductive organs of women during pregnancy, labor, and at the birthing process. Along with this function, it is their responsibility to take care of the fetus during pregnancy and the neonate during the birth process or delivery.

Gynecology is said to be the counterpart of andrology which specifically focuses its practice on taking care of the male reproductive system that comprise the penis, testes, and other male reproductive additional organs while obstetrics takes its counterpart from another body of health providers, the veterinary obstetrics, that deal with the care of female pregnant animals.

These two fields of medicine are interrelated with each other and even collaborate with each other. However, in some countries, it is the physician’s advantage to specialize with both of these fields. The gynecologist has the capacity to confirm or test the pregnancy of a woman. Subsequently, if the pregnancy is confirmed, in that case the woman will be referred to an obstetrician. At this point, the responsibility is now transferred to the obstetrician who can deal with the woman’s prenatal care and delivery.

Gynecologists specialize in various cases and diagnostic exams that facilitate them to confirm the occurrence of several diseases that pertain to women such as vaginal infections, sexually transmitted diseases, contraception, fertility tests, mammography, tubal ligations, hysterectomies, and Pap smears while obstetrics clearly deals with pregnancy, postpartum, postnatal care, and parturition.

When taking into consideration the treatment and management of diseases that concern women’s reproductive organs, gynecologists are capable and trained to deal with them while obstetricians don’t have the required requisites to do so. However, when we talk about complications or disorders that pertain to pregnant women like ectopic pregnancies, fetal distress, placenta previa, abruptio placenta, preeclampsia, cervical hemorrhages, dystocia, and cord prolapse can be managed by obstetricians.


1.Gynecology came from the Greek word “gyneaikos” which means “woman.” On the other hand, obstetrics came from the Latin word “obstare” which means “to stand by.”

2.Gynecology is the medical field of practice where the primary focus of its function is the female reproductive system whereas obstetrics is a medical specialty that practices in accordance to the principle of taking care of the reproductive organs of women during pregnancy, labor, and at the birthing process.

3.Gynecology is said to be the counterpart of andrology which specifically focuses its practice on taking care of the male reproductive system while obstetrics takes its counterpart from another body of health providers, the veterinary obstetrics, which deals with the care of female pregnant animals.

4.The gynecologist has the capacity to confirm or test the pregnancy of a woman. Subsequently, if the pregnancy is confirmed, in that case the woman will be referred to an obstetrician.

5.Gynecologists specialize in various cases and diagnostic exams that facilitate them to confirm the occurrence of several diseases that pertain to women while obstetrics clearly deals with pregnancy, postpartum, postnatal care, and parturition.

6.Gynecologists are capable and trained to deal with the treatment and management of diseases that pertain to women while obstetricians don’t have the required requisites to do so. However, when we talk about complications or disorders that pertain to pregnant women, they can be managed by obstetricians.