Difference Between Habits and Behaviors (With Table)

The habits are just a set of actions a person usually does; Behavior defines a person. It is generally controlled by the person. These habits and actions might reveal information about a person’s personality and identity. All These factors have a very important role in a person’s overall attributes. It can determine if a person has a positive or negative personality.

Habits vs Behaviors

 The main difference between Habits and Behaviors is that Habits are the things that a person performs over and over until it converts to second nature. While behavior is the system’s response to the stimuli that surround it, habit is something that a person performs frequently and subconsciously till it converts into a habit.

Habits are the things that a person performs over and over until it becomes second nature. Taking the same things, again and again, could also be termed as a type of learning or revision, till the person doing the action towards some circumstance becomes accustomed to it and no longer approaches it in different ways.

Because behavior is the system’s response to the stimuli surrounding it, there are occasions when behavior becomes unavoidable. the neurological and endocrine systems are responsible for behaviors, which implies that the nervous system has a significant effect on a person’s behavior. In general, there are two sorts of behavior: good behavior and evil behavior.

Comparison Table Between Habits and Behaviors

Parameters of Comparison



Type of action

It refers to activities that are repeated.

It is essentially a collection of Reaction Impulses.


If not halted, it can last a lifetime.

Cannot be readily halted or modified.


It is carried out unconsciously.

It is carried out deliberately.

Affected by the nervous system

No, the neurological system has no control over habits.

Yes, the neurological system is the main controller of behavior.


The environment’s influences on an individual are known as habits.

Individual’s responses to their environment are termed as behaviors.  

What are Habits?

Habits are just a set of behaviors that we appear to execute naturally without applying conscious thought to our decision-making. It requires less mental capacity and is a more efficient method to go through each day, allowing us to focus on addressing unexpected, new, or complicated problems.

Habits are established by trigger, behavior, and reward loop that has previously generated positive effects. When we utilize a habit loop frequently, it strengthens them over time.

The phrase “neurons that fire together wire together” is commonly used to describe this phenomenon, which means that the more we repeat a habit, the more effective our brains get at linking a pattern of behaviors, using less energy and allowing us to utilize it more. It is feasible to replace the behavior and reward stages of a habit with practice, but it is very hard to just quit a habit.

Because they are automatic, habits are good. We do things without thinking about them, which allows our brain to focus on other things. The same may be said of undesirable behaviors. We engage in these behaviors without giving them any thought, and they have enough power to damage our personal lives and careers without us even realizing it.

What are Behaviors?

When we talk about behavior, we’re talking about the system’s interaction with its environment. The organism’s system that surrounds a person has an impact on that person’s behavior. Behaviour is a person’s reaction to various acts taken by the system around them. There are 2 types of behavior: good and evil.

What we do, how we act, and even what we think and say are examples of behaviors. Our actions are frequently prompted by ideas we have acquired based on how a scene was the last time we encountered the same or a comparable trigger.

When confronted with a perceived threat, we may act instinctively and adopt evolutionary reactions such as fight, flight, or freeze, which are the body’s methods of keeping us safe. We may, tune in to our values and utilize them as a set of guiding principles to determine what the appropriate response (rather than reaction) is.

There are many things to be proud of and nothing to be embarrassed about. Your actions reflect your personality, and personality is what people say about you. It is insufficient to have a good mind and a nice look.  Your behavior will keep you company on your path to success.

Main Differences Between Habits and Behaviors

  1. Habits are repeated acts that eventually come into the routine and are very difficult to break but after trying hard it can be still broken. behaviors, which are responses to impulses of the circumstances and the environment.
  2. Habits are unconsciously carried out, whereas behaviors are intentionally carried out.
  3. Habits are sometimes unavoidable, but the nervous system may have a substantial effect on behavior.
  4. The environment’s influences on an individual are referred to as habits. Behaviors are an individual’s outputs to its environment.
  5. Habits can be broken by time and constant efforts, but the behavior is difficult to modify.


When we talk about behavior, we’re talking about the system’s overall actions in relation to its environment and surroundings. The biological system that surrounds a person has a significant impact on his or her conduct.

A habit is something a person does frequently until it becomes a routine. Behaviour is the system’s reaction to changes around it, while a habit is something a person does continuously till it becomes a routine. There are times when habits become unavoidable.

These appear to be the same thing, yet there is a significant distinction between habits and behaviors. It is very important to know the distinctions and definitions of habits and actions to establish your character and individuality.

The nervous system is in charge of behaviors, which means that if the nervous system has a major impact on a person’s behavior, it is to blame.


  1. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1941406408328536
  2. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1559-1816.1997.tb00650.x