Difference Between Have To and Get To (With Table)

English is the language used universally and is mostly accepted globally as the first or its second language. The advice to have perfection in the language is to make grip on the grammar, which is the most important thing in any form of language. Because to form a final sentence, the first thing to consider is connecting different short sentences to make a whole.

Have To vs Get To

The main difference between Have to and Get to is that when ‘Have to’ is used in a sentence or statement, it is meant to make an obligation or compulsion to perform a task or work. Comparatively, on the other hand, when ‘Get to’ is used in a sentence or a statement, it is meant to make or give some privilege or opportunity to someone. 

Have to often refer to as a transitive verb (which means it admires or puts stress over the action or emotion of the verb by which it is affected). The word ‘Have to’ is probably used to make any obligation or siting any compulsion for another person. The final sentences or statements are kind of negative. 

Get to is an irregular transitive verb. The word ‘Get to’ is often used to denote any privilege given or an opportunity to another person. For example – I will get to have my mobile phone after my 18th birthday. The given example signifies the privilege given to another person. ‘Get to’ is the first form of the verb, which is used only in present tense sentences or statements. 

Comparison Table Between Have To and Get To

Parameters of Comparison

Have To

Get To


Any obligation or compulsion

Getting some privilege

Verb Form

Second Form

First Form


I have to study for my exam tomorrow.

This time, I get to decide the place for our next vacation.


Both Present and Future

Only Present

Used with

All plural subjects along with I, You, We, They.

Used with singular subjects I, You, and plural subject We, They




What is Have To?

The meaning of the word ‘Have to’ which is quite often used in our daily basic sentences is nothing but the obligations, compulsions, directions given to another person to complete or perform the necessary work or task. It is one of the good examples of transitive verbs used in English Grammar. Consider the following example that has been given below for a better understanding – 

have to complete my pending school homework before I leave to attend the wedding function.  

Thus, it herby signifies the compulsion of completing the task before performing the other one. ‘Have to’ is the second form of the verb and is used in the sentences that are in the present tense or future tense. In a sentence ‘Have to’ is used with all the plural subjects in addition with I, You, We, and They.

The structure to form a sentence have to is as follows – Subject + Verb + Object. Sometimes the sentence formed is in negative form but other than that it can be formed in affirmative and interrogative form.

What is Get To?

The meaning of the word ‘Get to’ which is a regular and common phrase use in daily lives meant the liberty or opportunity or privilege given to another person. It is a great example of transitive verbs known in English Grammar. Below is the example to get some clear idea about the same – 

Tomorrow we will get to Sydney by 7:30 p.m.

I am very excited because I get to know more about our Prime Minister personally. 

The above two examples showcase the opportunities and privileges provided or received by them. ‘Get to’ is the first form of the verb used and is used in sentences that are in the present tense. The use of the little phrase is done in both cases when to signify a single person or plural person in addition to the subject You, I, We, and They. They formerly create a positive or an affirmative sentence when used.

Main Differences Between Have To and Get To

  1. ‘Have to’ signifies an expression of obligation or compulsion made to another person while on the other hand ‘Get to’ denotes the expression of any opportunity or privilege provided to someone.
  2. ‘Have to’ is the second form of the verb while ‘Get to’ is used as the first form of verb in a sentence.
  3. ‘Have to’ can be used in both present and future sentences while ‘Get to’ is used only in the present tense.
  4. The word ’Have to’ is used with the plural subjects in addition with I, We, They, You whereas the word ‘Get to’ is used with both singular and plural subjects in different situations and forms of sentences in addition with I, They, You, We.
  5. ‘Have to’ forms a negative form of sentence while ‘Get to’ forms a positive form of sentence.
  6. The example for ‘Have to’ is I have to work before the deadline as asked by the HR while an example for the word ‘Get to’ is The park wasn’t fun, but the food we get to eat was nice.


English grammar constitutes many different topics that help in forming a complete sentence. The nouns, verbs, proverbs, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions, and many more are some of the examples that help to do so. Transition Verbs or irregular verbs or modal verbs are some verbs that emphasize the action of the verb, in simple terms how has the action of the verb is affecting the subject.

‘Have to’ and ‘Get to’ are the transitive verbs that form a negative and positive form of sentences. Both the words are used in different situations and conditions Have to is phrased when there is a need to make any compulsion or obligation towards someone whereas Get to is phrased when an opportunity or privilege or liberty is provided to someone. While forming a sentence have to is used in present and future the tense while the get to can be only used in forming present tense sentences.   


  1. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9780203060018-17/get-right-anyway-brian-page
  2. https://brill.com/view/book/edcoll/9789004368804/BP000008.xml
  3. https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=en&lr=&id=yAFYlnz6OGAC&oi=fnd&pg=PA119&dq=difference+between+have+to+and+get+to&ots=FJn_ki2FIo&sig=u4l-Z2pyKhtBbYuXKyiE9utMQ4s&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=difference%20between%20have%20to%20and%20get%20to&f=false
  4. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0278431903000240