Difference Between HDX and HD


Vudu is one of the many content delivery services that we can avail of. This service lets you rent movies, which are then delivered over the internet into your Vudu box for you to watch right away or set aside for later. Previously, users can choose from the SD and HD formats, but then Vudu released a third format called HDX. The main difference between HDX and HD is the former’s use of a set processing technologies known that Vudu has dubbed as TruFilm.

TruFilm includes the following processing technologies: Psychovisual processing, to detect and re-encode artifacts and pixilation that commonly occurs in dark areas of sky and water; Film Grain Preservation, which uses multiple encoding passes to retain the slight imperfections intentionally put-in by the director; Statistical Variable Bitrate, to allocate more bitrate to scenes with great detail while minimizing the overall size of the film to reduce download time; and lastly Color Gradient Processing, to optimize the movie for modern LCD and Plasma TV sets. All these contribute to HDX having a much better video quality than HD movies.

Aside from TruFilm, HDX also has the advantage of using the 1080p24 resolution and frame rate, optimal for the latest displays of 40 inches and larger. HD movies may use some of the lower resolutions that may not look as good on the larger displays. Even the sound of the HDX movies has also been improved to complete the effect of approaching Blu-ray quality movies.

The downside to HDX movies is that they are quite big compared to HD and SD movies. With the latter two, you can start the movie instantly and watch it while streaming; given that you have a sufficiently fast connection. With HDX movies, you can’t watch it right away, so you have to wait for the movie to actually download before you can watch it.

HDX is certainly better than HD. And with virtually the same pricing, there is not much to prevent you from watching HDX movies. But for spur of the moment movie viewing, there is really no choice but to go with HD movies.


1.HDX uses TruFilm processing technology while HD does not
2.HD uses a variety of HD resolutions while HDX only uses 1080p24
3.HDX has much better sound than HD
4.HD movies can be started instantly but not HDX