Difference Between Heat Detector and Smoke Detector

Heat detectors and smoke detectors are used in buildings to prevent mishap from fire. It is normal and natural to use means to safeguard one’s assets and property from calamities and theft which is why people get their homes and offices insured. But safety comes first and before insurance which is why people employ heat and smoke detectors to prevent mishap from fire. Many take these devices to be same which is not correct. There are many differences between a heat detector from a smoke detector and their primary functions are different. This article will explain their features to let people use one or both in conjunction to suit their requirements.

The most basic difference between a heat detector and a smoke detector is that a heat detector senses changes in temperature and goes off whenever there is a rise in temperature above a set level while a smoke detector senses presence of soot in the atmosphere to warn of smoke in the premises. Smoke detectors are notorious to go off even with the slightest presence of smoke in the environment which is why people get it installed away from kitchens where smoke is a common phenomenon.

Another difference in the two detectors is that their working principles are different. Whereas heat detectors utilize electro-pneumatic technology and thermocouple, smoke detectors employ ionization and photoelectric technologies for their working.

Heat detectors are more reliable and do not give false alarms which is common with smoke detectors. They sound alarm only when the temperature level has certainly gone beyond dangerous level. Another thing to note is that heat detectors do not sound alarm in presence of smoke and smoke detectors do not sound alarm even if there is a rise in temperature as they are not designed to substitute for each other. This is why it is common for people to employ both types of detectors in conjunction to each other to prevent dangers of both smoke and fire. Especially in high rise buildings, these detectors are of extreme importance to prevent any mishap.

Places where there is likelihood of fire necessitate installation of heat detectors. On the other hand smoke detectors are common in places where smoking is banned.

In brief:

• As their names imply, heat detectors want of fire when it feels sudden rise in temperature in the environment and sounds alarm. On the other hand smoke detectors sound alarm whenever they detect any kind of smoke in the environment.

• They do not substitute for each other, which is why both are used in conjunction with each other to safeguard from both fir and smoke.

• Both have different working principles

• Heat detectors are more reliable as they go off only when there is really a rise in temperature in any surroundings while smoke detectors are notorious of sounding alarm even without real danger.