Difference Between Hi and Hello (With Table)

The English language constitutes many words and phrases that may or may not be used commonly in day-to-day lives. These words tend to be used for forming a sentence or to fit them in a sentence. In other words, it is a way of communication. Language has been a part of communication ever since it came into existence, and thus the words may contain formal or informal contexts. But the condition for their usage is the situation they are used in.

Hi vs Hello

The main difference between Hi and Hello is that the use of both the terms is in a different context. The term Hi is used in any casual or informal conservation while, comparatively, on the other hand, the term Hello is used in mainly all the formal conversations. The term Hi can be used in front of family and friends, while the term Hello is used in front of formal colleagues, acquaintances, etc. 

Hi is an informal term used to start any casual conversation with a second person or third person. The context of using the term is restricted to only informal ways as it is used in front of friends or family. The way of pronunciation of the word is as follows – ‘Hahy’. And according to the Oxford Dictionary, the term was originated around the late Middle East.

Hello is the formal term used to start a conversation with a second or third person. The term can be used with any known or unknown person but must be informal context only. The different pronunciation forms of the word are as follows – ‘hel-oh’, ‘he-lot, and ‘huh-lo’. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the term is said to be originated during the late 19th century.

Comparison Table Between Hi and Hello

Parameters of Comparison



What it is

An informal way of greeting someone

A formal way of greeting someone



Three different ways – ‘hel-oh’, ‘he-loh’, and ‘huh-lo’





During the late Middle East

Late 19th Century   

Plural Form




Hi! Radha, How have you been? Hi! I am Kartik. What’s your name?

Hello! Do you mind helping me? Hello! Will you play with me?

What is Hi?

Hi is a very common term that is used in daily life to greet someone or as an exclamation. It is used as an informal form of communication. The term is used in the conservation with a second person or third person, and the context used must be informal or casual. The use of the word is often in front of friends or family. 

The pronunciation of the word ‘Hi’ is as follows – ‘Hahy’. The collocation of the sentence to use the word ‘Hi’ is – ‘Hi’ (name of the person) + the rest of the sentence. According to the Oxford Dictionary, it is expected that the origin of the word ‘Hi’ was recorded during the time of the late Middle East, and that time also it was used as the natural exclamation. Also, unlike ‘Hello’, the term doesn’t possess any plural form.  

Some of the examples referring to the term ‘Hi’ are – 

  • Hi! Dolly, Where were you going?
  • Hi! Prateek, Please have a seat.
  • Hi! The place is very nice. 

What is Hello?

Hello is another common term used in daily life for greeting someone and as an exclamation in any sentence. The basic use of the term is in the formal way of communication with the second or third person. Even though the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary has stated a definition for the term as well, which is as follows – ‘a word used for greeting a second or third person, bringing attention towards self, or while answering any call or message in person.

Accordingly, there are three different ways stated for using the term that is – 

  • used for greeting a second or third person
  • bringing attention towards self
  • while answering any call or message in person

According to Oxford Dictionary, the origin of the term ‘Hi’ is mentioned from the time of the late 19th Century, and during the time, it was used as a modified version of the two words – ‘holla’ and ‘hollo’. The plural form for the term Hello used is ‘Hellos’. The pronunciation of the word is as follows – ‘Hahy.’ 

Some of the examples quoted referring to the term ‘Hello’ are as follows – 

  • Hello! May I know who’s on another side?
  • Hello! Samarth How are you?
  • Hello! Raj, Where are you lost?

Main Differences Between Hi and Hello

  1. Hi is a term that is used in the form of informal greeting while comparatively, on the other hand, the term Hello has been in used as a form of formal greeting. 
  2. The pronunciation of the term ‘Hi’ is somewhat as follows – ‘Hahy’ while comparatively, on the other hand, the different pronunciations used for the term ‘Hello’ are as follows – ‘hel-oh’, ‘he-loh’, and ‘huh-lo’. 
  3. The type of the term ‘Hi’ is informal while comparatively, on the other hand, the term ‘Hello’ is termed as the formal greeting word.
  4. The origin of the term ‘Hi’ according to the Oxford Dictionary, is around the late Middle East and is a natural exclamation while comparatively, on the other hand, the origin of the term ‘Hello’ according to the Oxford Dictionary is said to be around the late 19th century and is a modified form of the two words – ‘hollo’ and ‘holla’.
  5. It has been found that the term ‘Hi’ doesn’t have any plural form while comparatively, on the other hand, the term ‘Hello’ has a plural form that exists. 
  6. The examples used for referring Hi are – “Hi Alex, Nice to meet you!” or “Hi Prashant, That must be you” while comparatively, on the other hand, the examples used for referring Hello are – “Hello Ram, I am Laxman!” or “Hello students, Nice to meet you all”. 


To summarize the given topic, this can be said that there are numerous ways to greet and start a conversation in the English Language. A different language has different words used for their greetings. And in conclusion, it is said that language is the way of communication although it is not restricted just to words. Communication is a form of interaction with others, and it can be any form of words, signs, actions, etc.

The term Hi and Hello are the two different forms that are used as greeting in any sentence or conversation. The words are used in the different contexts of the conversation. If the conversation between the two individuals is meant to be informal, then the word ‘Hi’ can be used while comparatively, on another side, if the conversation between the two-person or group is meant to be in a formal way. The origin and existence of the words also differ from each other, and surprisingly the term ‘Hi’ doesn’t have any plural form it while the term ‘Hello’ does have a plural form for it.


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