Difference Between Highlights and Lowlights

Highlights vs Lowlights

When talking about changing hair color, people have various choices and preferences. Some use highlights and others use lowlights to beautify their hair. Both highlights and lowlights give hair a better tone and texture. Well, highlights and lowlights come with many differences; their colors are the easiest difference to notice.

As the name suggests, highlighted hair has brighter colors, while hair with lowlights will have darker colours. When applying lowlights, one gets a darker hair color. On the contrary when applying highlights, one will get a lighter hair color.

Highlights usually focus on lighter shades than the natural color. Gold, red, amber and honey shades are normally used for highlights. On the other hand, lowlights help to create vibrant hair, that matches the skin tone and the eye color. Generally, lowlight colors blend with the hair’s tone. Coppers, deep reds and plum shades are used for lowlights.

Generally, it is said that lowlights work better for brunettes, who can use red, copper and gold shades for their hair. Highlghts are good for blondes, who can add copper and gold shades to their hair.

Another difference that is seen between highlights and lowlights, is that the latter is generally used in the winter, when the skin is paler. Highlights will brighten up the hair, and lowlights will darken the hair.

Lowlights are generally used for hair that has gone too blonde. Once a slightly darker shade is given to the blonde hair, it will have more depth and dimension. Lowlights will give more texture and warmth to the hair.

When talking about the expense of highlights and lowlights, it depends mainly on the salon that one is going to use.


1. Brighter colors are used for highlights, and darker colors are used for lowlights.

2. Highlights brighten up the hair, and lowlights darken the hair.

3. Gold, red, amber and honey shades are normally used for highlights. Coppers, deep reds and plum shades are used for lowlights.

4. Lowlights are generally used in the winter when the skin is paler.

5. Highlights usually focus on lighter shades than the natural color. Lowlights help to create vibrant hair, that matches the skin tone and the eye color.

6. Lowlights work better for brunettes, and highlghts are good for blondes. Lowlights are generally used for hair that has gone too blonde.