Difference Between Hip Hop and Rap

Hip hop and Rap has been often interchanged. This already proves to be a linguistic debate over which is which in terms of music genre and culture. These two terms became almost synonymous as the music industry continues to evolve. However, as every music junkie claims, one is never the other.

Hip Hop

Hip hop traces its roots back in the early days in Bronx, New York where majority of the residents were then African – American and of Hispanic lineage. It was in 1970’s that this music genre was conceived, out from the block parties that predominates the Harlem then. It is often defined that Hip hop is the main backbone which paved the way to other means of self expression.


Rap, is frequently considered as one of the forms of self expressions that was developed as the culture of Hip hop was emerging. Originally, Rap surfaced during those Bronx parties, when DJ’s begin to speak along with the beat to highlight a specific thought or deliver a message that is socially conscious. It is thought to be a combination of prose and poetry interwoven in a song.

Difference between Hip Hop and Rap

Once the term Hip hop is broken down, it basically reveals a current beat that is a reflection of light heartedness and resilience. Rap, on the other hand can be a reflection of a serious idea or sometimes can be an avenue to air out thoughts that might be otherwise too offensive to be spoken directly. However, it does not necessarily entail that the idea of Rap is to be disparaging, it can also be an outlet of weakness and personal sorrow. It has usually been debated that Rap can actually be incorporated to any genres be it rock, reggae or blues.

These two genres have similar beats, probably that is the reason why they are often used to describe one with the other. But despite the similarities that these two have in common, we have to take into consideration the rich history from which they both originated, a representation of a culture that resonates a strong and jovial character amidst harrowing adversity.

In brief:

• It is often defined that Hip hop is the main backbone from which paved the way to other means of self expression.

• Rap, is frequently considered as one of the forms of self expressions that was developed as the culture of Hip hop was emerging.

• Rap is thought to be a combination of prose and poetry interwoven in a song.

• Once the term Hip hop is broken down, it basically reveals a current beat that is a reflection of light heartedness and resilience.

• Rap, on the other hand can be a reflection of a serious idea or sometimes can be an avenue to air out thoughts that might be otherwise too offensive to be spoken directly.